Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ripples v10.13: Melting Limits!

Ripples v10.13: Melting Limits!
Mar 31, 2008: a free weekly splash to 18,234 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

The limits of the mind are often mistaken to be the limits of the world.
-Immanuel Kant, submitted by Amy S., New Berlin WI

____________________BOULDER ____________________

Sometimes things don't go, after all,
from bad to worse.
Some years, muscadel faces down frost;
green thrives; the crops don't fail.
Sometimes a man aims high, and all goes well.
A people sometimes will step back from war,
elect an honest man, decide they care enough,
that they can't leave some stranger poor.

Some men become what they were born for.
Sometimes our best intentions do not go amiss;
sometimes we do as we meant to.
The sun will sometimes melt
a field of sorrow
that seemed hard frozen;
may it happen for you.
-Sheenagh Pugh, submitted by Andrea P., St. Paul MN

____________________PONDER ____________________

If you (or someone you know) feels discouraged lately, facing another set back or discovering yet another obstacle, you know it can be tempting to just sigh and give up. And sometimes it is challenging to remain optimistic when more bad news arrives (even motivational speakers sometimes want to punch a wall or curl up in a ball and ignore the sunshine!).

The quotes above remind us that there is hope and that while things may get yucky at times, there are other times when good things happen, when the RIGHT thing happens, when the BEST thing happens!

Maybe you can practice being just a little more optimist this week, or just today, or heck for even five minutes. It might help you, it might help those around you; it might even change the world.



Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ripples v10.12: Dancing in the Rain!

Ripples v10.12: Dancing in the Rain!
Mar 24, 2008: a free weekly splash to 18,232 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

Life Isn't about waiting for that one storm to pass...
it is about learning how to dance in the rain.
-original source unknown, submitted by Marissa H., Monmouth OR &
Heather M, Dayton OH

____________________BOULDER ____________________

To live content with small means;
to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion;
to be worthy, not respectable,and wealthy, not, rich;
to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart;
to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently,
await occasions, hurry never;
in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious,
grow up through the common-
-this is my symphony.
-William Henry Channing, submitted by Lin H., Bloomington IL

____________________PONDER ____________________

I found myself back in Cincinnati this week, visiting my friends at Procter & Gamble (including many long-time Ripplers!) to give a presentation on stress management. Even though some people attend these kinds of presentations with the hopes of learning about some secret to managing their crazy lives, most are not surprised to remember and re-learn that it is mostly about the basics: taking time to breathe, connecting with others, exercising your body and your soul, creating quiet time to escape the craziness of your life, and letting go of the yucky stuff that inevitably builds up over time.

If by chance your life is a bit crazy of late, take some time to enjoy some small pleasures, be sure to dance in the rain (or snow!), and try as hard as you can to ENJOY TODAY!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ripples v10.11: Forget & Remember!

Ripples v10.11: Forget & Remember!
Mar 17, 2008: a free weekly splash to 18,150 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLES ____________________

May the roof over our heads never fall in.
And may we as friends never fall out.
-Irish Toast

____________________BOULDERS ____________________

Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember
The things that made you glad.

Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.
But never forget to remember
Those that have stuck by you.

Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.
-Irish Blessing

____________________PONDER ____________________

Besides honoring St. Patrick's Day today, this week is filled
with opportunities to celebrate with the arrival of spring and Easter too.
I hope you can spend a few moments today forgetting about past troubles,
and a few moments remembering the good stuff in your life.

Celebrate that good stuff and those around you might want to join in!
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Happy Spring, Happy Easter,
and just plain ole' HAPPY TODAY!


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ripples v10.10: Creativity!

Ripples v10.10: Creativity!
Mar 10, 2008: a free weekly splash to 18,162 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLES ____________________

The first step to being creative
is to get rid of your own unwritten rules.
-Mary M. Byers, submitted by Linda H., Lincoln NE

Mankind's greatest accomplishment
is not the revolution of technology,
it is the evolution of creativity.
-written and submitted by Del "Abe" Jones, Tennessee

____________________BOULDERS ____________________

Creativity is inventing,
experimenting, growing,
taking risks, breaking rules,
making mistakes, and having fun.
-Mary Lou Cook, submitted by Linn W., Milwaukee WI

I am inspired by creativity in its many varied forms.
I am motivated by humor in everyday life.
I am amazed at the beauty that materializes
when laughter and/or creativity sparks
in the eyes of individuals whom otherwise appear ordinary.
-written and submitted by Robin Bateman

____________________PONDER ____________________

Please forgive my inability to select just one pebble and one boulder this week; all four of these quotes were just so, well, CREATIVE! I'll keep this ponder short so we stick to the important Ripply rule: readable in one minute or less.

Just make sure you spend some time this week choosing a task or assignment or project to use some CREATIVITY that will increase your success and increase the fun you have working on it!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ripples v10.09: Magnetic Kindness!

Ripples v10.09: Magnetic Kindness!
Mar 3, 2008: a free weekly splash to 18,141 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLES ____________________

Good friends are like stars.
You don't always see them,
but you know they're always there.
-source unknown, submitted magnetically!

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
-Marcel Proust, submitted magnetically!

____________________BOULDER ____________________

Too often we underestimate
the power of a touch, a smile,
a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment,
or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential
to turn a life around.
-Leo Buscaglia, submitted magnetically!

____________________PONDER ____________________

Kindness is not only Ripply, it is magnetic!!

A few weeks ago I asked Ripplers to send inspirational magnets to decorate my front door. I received several really great ones! I added a couple myself, and the end result was just what I was seeking: an inspirational and indeed Ripply entrance to my home. The unexpected bonus treat is that I get to think of YOU every time I come home! Thanks to those of you who sent magnets, and to all of you who over the past 10 years have shared inspirational quotes and kind words via email. I treasure each one!

I am attempting to attach a photo to this week's issue so you can see the door. I also uploaded a high resolution to Flickr in case you want to be able to READ each magnet:

p.s. My apologies for forgetting WHO submitted these quotes....I already had them on the door when I brainstormed using them as this week's Ripples quotes!

_________RIPPLY DETAILS___________


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