Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ripples v11.04: Speak Prudently!

Ripples v11.04: Speaking Prudently!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 21,655
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.
-Howard W. Newton, submitted by Linn W., Milwaukee WI

Speak prudently:
cautiously to your rivals, and
with dignity to everyone else.
There is always time to utter a word,
and never time to take it back...
-Baltasar Gracian, submitted by Samantha T., Milwaukee WI

It is time to have that conversation. You know, the one you have been putting off for some time. Iyanla VanSant calls them "fierce conversations" not because they are violent but because they are vital, charged, and dangerous due to an extended build up of emotion while at the same time infused with energetic potential for deeper understanding and increased mutual respect. Take a deep breath, summarize in your head and your heart what you need to communicate, and remember that your conversation is between two flawed human beings who are doing the best s/he can in this crazy, challenging world! Good luck, and let me know how it goes!


Monday, January 19, 2009

Ripples v11.03: Dr. King!

Ripples v11.03: Dr. King!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 21,691
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: Happy MLK Day!

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
-Martin Luther King, Jr., Sarah B., Burlington WI

Without faith
we are orphans
cast into the terrifying
immensities of space
in a universe that is without
purpose or intelligence.
-Martin Luther King, Jr., submitted by Florence W., St. Louis, Mo

Dear Dr. King,
Happy MLK Day to you!
In the forty years since your too early departure, many people have worked creatively and tirelessly to ensure your dream is not deferred or denied. We still have a ways to go, of course (you know how long these journeys take); still, this week our country achieves a most remarkable step when we become the first "majority white" country with a non-white head of state in world history. Ever! We are celebrating with a nationwide day of service to honor you and the many others who have helped us recognize, resist, and resolve injustice.

Even as we face significant challenges, I believe there is a renewed confidence in the possibilities of our country and indeed our planet. We'll keep your Dream in our hearts as we strengthen our faith in ourselves, each other, and a higher power that seems certain to exist.

With a humble heart, I extend to you and everyone: Peace!

p.s. Everyone can participate in today's Day of Service, even if it means keeping your eye out for a tiny act of generosity to a stranger or acquaintance.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ripples v11.02: Live Steam!

Ripples v11.02: Live Steam!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 21,571
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: Happy 10th Anniversary, Ripplers!

Everyone who's ever taken a shower has an idea.
It's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off,
and does something about it who makes a difference.
-Nolan Bushnell, submitted by Linda H., Lincoln NE

There is an infinite distance
between the wishers and the doers.
A mere desire is lukewarm water,
which will never take a train to its destination;
the purpose must boil,
must be made into live steam to do the work.
-Orison Sweet Marden, submitted by Linn W., Milwaukee WI

Has an idea or dream bubbled up recently? Or perhaps you have had one simmering for some time? Please don't let it simply evaporate. Your mission this week, and you better choose to accept it, is to grab that Idea and experiment, share, discuss, prepare, and then use the energy of that LIVE STEAM to move forward!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ripples v11.01: Deep Goals!

Until you commit your goals to paper you have intentions that are seeds without soil.
-source unknown, submitted by Noel R., Milwaukee WI

When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning,
by dreams that need completion,
by pure love that needs expressing,
then we truly live life.
-Greg Anderson, submitted by Sarah Z., Fond du Lac WI

Even non-resolution-makers can create one simple, worthwhile, achievable, measurable goal to make sure 2009 moves us forward magnificently. Share one goal with your family, friends and colleagues and let it change your life!

Speaking of goals, we have some pretty cool plans to create some fantastic Ripples as we celebrate 10 years of Ripples. If you are on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, please consider joining us there for a second mini-splash each week!
