Monday, May 31, 2010

Ripples #575: Sacrifice!

Ripples #575: Sacrifice!
Monday, May 31, 2010
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 25,289
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities


The important thing is this: to be able at any moment
to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.
-Charles Du Bos, submitted by Linn W., Milwaukee WI


Those who are living in their highest light know that it is good to share
your life and your love, for we have, indeed, come together for a reason.
-The Highest Light Teachings, submitted by Bruce P Madison, WI


Here in the U.S. last Monday in May is recognized as "Memorial Day" to
honor soldiers killed during wartime. While it is for many of us the
holiday weekend that kicks off summer, most people spend at least a few
minutes thinking about those who sacrificed everything while serving their

I thought this could be a good day to think about sacrifice and how giving
up something in the short term often leads to greater gain. Sacrificing
something to enrich the greater good does not have to result in our death,
nor does it even have to be painful. The right thing can even make us feel
good: donating a few dollars/hours to a community organization, defending
the honor of someone who is unable to speak up for herself, or doing the
right thing even when it is not the easiest or most convenient course of
action. Sacrifice is an opportunity for all of us to participate fully in
society, and to become our full, best selves in the process.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ripples #574: Be Bold!

Ripples #574: Be Bold!
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 25,281
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities


Be bold.
If you're going to make an error, make a doozy,
and don't be afraid to hit the ball.
-Billie Jean King, submitted by Kristin K, Salisbury MD


Standing in the
middle of the road
is very dangerous;
you get knocked down
by the traffic
from both sides.
-Margaret Thatcher, submitted by Linda H., Manhattan KS


This section is called "ponder" because each week I strive to craft a
message that invites you to think about how the above quotes relate to you
and your crazy full life.

However, this week I don't want to get you to think about anything. I want
you to BE BOLD! That decision that needs to be made, that action that you
know will make a difference for school, work, life, etc.: GO DO IT!

Pondering is good and today is the day to transform the pondering into


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ripples #573: Change Your Life!

Ripples #573: Change Your Life!
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 25,268
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities

To change one's life: Start immediately.
Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions.
-William James

We immediately become more effective
when we decide to change ourselves
rather than asking things to change for us.
-Stephen Covey, submitted by Nick P., New Jersey

Most of us know the serenity prayer: "God, grant me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change, the courage to accept the things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference."

It is sometimes easier to whine about things we cannot control than it is
to jump into action and change what we can. Your life can be better tomorrow
if you take action today, so make a decision and then choose a direction and
then CHANGE!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ripples #572: On Purpose!

Ripples #572: On Purpose!
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 25,309
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities


Find a purpose in life so big it will
challenge every capacity to be at your best.
-David O. McKay, submitted by Linn W., Milwaukee WI


Keep on beginning and failing.
Each time you fail, start all over again,
and you will grow stronger until
you have accomplished a purpose;
not the one you began with perhaps,
but one you'll be glad to remember.
-Anne Sullivan, submitted by Terry H., Oak Creek WI


Several hundred Ripplers will graduate from high school or college in the
coming weeks (including my niece---you go, Jamie, YOU GO!) and while some of
the have determined their next steps, others are pondering, "What's next?"
Defining a purpose for your life provides a direction for your journey, and
that direction is useful even though you may eventually alter the course.
Whether we'll be wearing a cap and gown or not, perhaps we can all pause
and reflect on our dreams and ambitions to ensure our actions are helping us
to live a life ON PURPOSE!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ripples #571: The Work of Love!

Ripples #571: The Work of Love!
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 25,363
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities


If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws,
you can love other people so much better.
And that makes you so happy.
-Kristin Chenoweth


We need, each of us, to begin
the awesome, difficult work of love;
loving ourselves
so that we can become able
to love others without fear,
so that we can become powerful enough
to enlargen the circle of our trust
and our common striving for a safe, sunny afternoon,
near to flowering trees and under a very blue sky.
-June Jordan, submitted by Seb H., Madison WI


What could happen if you loved your self as deeply as you love your best
What might change if you embraced every grain of your being the way a child
delights in every grain of beach sand?
As you seek deeper love for yourself this week, you will likely deepen the
love you share with others.

