Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ripples #666.5: Quirky You!

Ripples #666.5: Quirky You!
For our tribe of 30,188 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Embrace your uniqueness.
Time is much too short
to be living someone else's life.
-source unknown

You know those things about yourself
that you're self conscious of?
Those quirks that you're trying to hide?
Those are not your weaknesses,
those are your strengths.
-Terry Border, submitted by Samantha in New Hampshire

You're weird. Yeah, you kinda are.
But here's the deal: your quirks don't show you are flawed, they prove you are fabulous. So stop trying to hide in the shadows; the world really needs you to shine. It might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but you'll soon notice that it will help you bring your full and best self to every day. And bonus: you'll be inviting those around you to do the same. When that happens, everyone wins!

p.s. Hello to my new friends from St. Norbert College who embraced my quirks last weekend when we explored the dangerous topic of diversity. #uRock!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ripples #665: Effort!

Ripples #665: Effort!
For our tribe of 30,079 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Effort weighs ounces,
but regret weighs tons.
-Jim Rohn, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

Let us not be content to wait
and see what will happen,
but give us the determination
to make the right things happen.
-Peter Marshall, submitted by Jenny in Sheboygan, WI

I've returned from hanging out with student leaders at both George Mason University near Washington, DC and The University of Texas in Austin. Both campuses were filled with dynamic leaders who were eager to explore strategies that could increase their effectiveness on campus and in life.

While I'm happy to share tips on time management and building relationships and taking care of yourself, one of the most important keys to success in school, work, and life is being able to get up and get out there and DO IT! Consistently taking action toward a goal is far more useful than sitting back and wishing and hoping. Dreaming is helpful only when it is followed by doing.

This could be your week to realize some significant success by putting a bit more EFFORT toward your goals. I dare you to write down a single action that you hope to take this week and post it somewhere unavoidable.

p.s. If you need a daily boost to keep you going, be sure you've it the LIKE button on my page and I'll do the rest!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ripples #664: Love!

Ripples #664: Love!
For our tribe of 29,945 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Those who live passionately
teach us how to love.
Those who love passionately
teach us how to live.
-Yogananda, submitted by Kimberly in San Luis Obispo, CA

.....Or maybe the purpose of being here, wherever we are, is to increase the durability and the occasions of love among and between peoples. Love as the concentration of tender caring and tender excitement, or love as the reasons for joy. I believe that love is the single, true prosperity of any moment and that whatever and whoever impedes, diminishes, ridicules, opposes the development of loving spirit is 'wrong'/hateful.
-June Jordan, submitted by Nichole in Eau Claire, WI

I know some people feel that Valentine's Day is a contrived event that forces couples to spend furiously on each other AND invites those of us who are single to feel lonely. I prefer to experience it as an opportunity to remember that love is an essential essence that should be shared generously with our friends, our partners, and ourselves. Love connects us to the people who invite us to be our best, full selves. I'll use today's Ripples to share my gratitude for all the love that flows from our happy tribe of Ripplers, and invite you to savor the love you've shared and received.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Ripples #663: Your True Self!

Ripples #663: Your True Self!
For our tribe of 29,836 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

It's not who you are that holds you back,
it's who you think you're not.
-Denis Waitley, submitted by Dan in Ohio

We'll never live up
to our true selves
if we're too busy
comparing ourselves
to those around us.
-Rob Bell, submitted by Tiffany in New Paltz, NY

The good news is that you are amazing.
The bad news is that you may encounter people or situations that invite you to be less than your full, authentic, awesome bestest and most amazing self. As you move through your busy week, I dare you to purposely spend more time with those who enjoy YOUR TRUE SELF, and perhaps spend less time around those who don't.

p.s. I can sneak an upbeat quote into your newsfeed every day. Just like my page and I'll do the rest!