Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ripples #697: Pursue Your Dream.

Ripples #697: Pursue Your Dream.
For our tribe of 31,755 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
-Albus Dumbledore, submitted by Marnie in West Lafayette, IN

Until you decide
to pursue your Dream,
you are never going
to love your life
the way you were meant to.
-Bruce Wilkinson, submitted by Maggie in Eau Claire, WI

Some days are for staring out into space, to wander through your wonderings.
Other days are for standing up and moving forward on your dreams. Yeah, there is a time for incubation of dreams. Today, however, could be about embracing possibilities with action.

It is okay if you're not 100% sure if this is the "right" dream, and it is okay if you're not 100% sure what happens if/when this dream is fulfilled. Just decide that taking action toward the dream at hand will move you upward and onward. You'll be transformed by the movement even if you change directions down the road.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ripples #696: A Spiritual Journey.

Ripples #696: A Spiritual Journey.
For our tribe of 31,587 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Whether we realize it or not,
we are always on a spiritual journey;
even when we feel most lost.
-Frank Warren (of the PostSecret Project),
submitted by Karla in Madison

The universe
is always speaking to us...
sending us little messages,
causing coincidences
and serendipities;
reminding us to stop,
to look around,
to believe in
something else,
something more.
-Nancy Thayer, submitted by Stephanie in Akron, OH

Believing in God works for some people, but not everyone.
Faith in a higher power is one form of spiritual direction, but not the only one. I don't think you have to believe in God in order to have faith that their is something bigger at work in the universe. And I don't think you have to believe that everything happens for a reason in order to find meaning in things that happen.

If you have found a form of spiritual expression that provides understanding, direction, and support in your life, I hope you can spend some extra time enjoying and possibly deepening that connection. If you have not, I invite you to be curious this week about any unexpected opportunities to connect with people, music, or nature: anything or anyone that could reveal a bigger picture, a different way of looking at the world.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Ripples #694: Do You Matter?

Ripples #694: Do You Matter?
For our tribe of 31,477 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

We must hold in our minds
these utterly contradictory thoughts:
not one of us matters at all;
each of us is infinitely precious.
-Jane Emily Bowers

Accepting that the world
can do quite fine without us
allows us to put down the burden
of being corrective heroes
and simply concentrate on
absorbing the journey
of being alive.
-Mark Nepo, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

Sometimes we underestimate how important we are to others.
Sometimes we overestimate how important we are to others.

A wise middle ground might be to humbly acknowledge the possibility that we are much MORE important than our least confident selves recognize, and we are much LESS important than our over-confident egos occasionally presume.

I believe we have far more capacity to MAKE someone's day than to RUIN it: smiles, kind words, and/or warm gestures are needed by most everyone we encounter. Let's march out into our crazy week with the determination to leverage that capacity to positively influence and worry less about the potential downsides. Are you in?


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ripples #693: Your Now, Your Day.

Ripples #693: Your Now, Your Day.
For our tribe of 31,449 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Forever is composed of nows.
-Emily Dickinson, submitted by Gwen in Coeur d'Alene, ID

Make this your day to dream or die;
to hope or fail; to wish or cry.
Make this your day you take a chance;
to try and live through spirit and dance.
Don't let them judge; hold you in.
This moment is yours. Now go and win.
-written and submitted by Ryan Kacvinsky in La Crosse, WI

This time of year I spend lots of time firing up students as they arrive at college, and one of the pieces of advice I share is to enjoy each moment because college goes so much faster than high school (and don't even get me started about life after seems I blinked and over two decades have slipped by since I was a student!). The best way to enjoy today is by recognizing its value: today is the only day you have to live, because today is now. Spend as few moments as possible reflecting on the past or anticipating the future so you can spend as many moments as possible enjoying YOUR NOW, YOUR DAY!

p.s. A special thank you to the Rowan University RAs, PROs, student activities folks, Rec. Sports and Student Center staffs, and the new students, too. I think we should write a book called, "Three Great Days in Glassboro." It was truly an adventure, and I won't forget you...or your kooky jug handle left turns!