Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ripples #736: Freedom's Responsibility.

Ripples #736: Freedom's Responsibility.
For our tribe of busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
1 July 2013

Responsibility is the price of freedom.
-Elbert Hubbard

For to be free
is not merely to cast off one's chains,
but to live in a way
that respects and enhances
the freedom of others.
-Nelson Mandela

This week we in the USA celebrate our country's Independence Day (and Happy Canada Day to our friends to the north!). How about we ALL spend a few moments savoring the RIGHTS granted to us through our civic/cultural freedoms? This week's quotes remind us to also ponder the RESPONSIBILITIES that come along with freedom. Whether these gifts were handed to us or earned, I believe that the whole world improves when we each take on a piece of the responsibility to help those who have less than us. Think about it...and if you can find a way to ACT that will enhance the freedom of others this week, I think you'll enjoy your own freedom even more.

Peace to you...and Freedom, too!
The Ripples Guy

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ripples #735: Happiness Revealed.

Ripples #735: Happiness Revealed.
For our tribe of 30,208 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
24 June 2013

There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way.
-Thich Nhat Hanh, shared by Heather in Anchorage, AK

The more clarity we have about what
will reveal happiness in our lives,
the less time we spend
waiting for it to find us.
-Hal Tipper, via his Facebook Page:

Are you happy? Right now, in this very moment, can you tell whether happiness is within or around you? Your response to this question is likely influenced by the latest happenings in your life and the people you have most recently spent time with. Happiness just seems more bountiful when things are going your way in work/school/life and when you get to spend time with your favorite people.

It can be tempting to conclude that certain events and/or people are the *cause* of happiness, and without which joy remains elusive. I suspect that waiting for happiness to arrive is mostly futile, especially since she is often sitting patiently nearby just waiting to be noticed, embraced, and shared.

Regardless of how happy you feel right now, I invite you to take a few deep breaths so you can savor the GOOD STUFF in your life as evidence of joy, and embrace the HARD STUFF as opportunities to grow.

Peace 2u!
The Ripples Guy

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ripples #734: Liking Me.

Ripples #734: Liking Me.
For our tribe of 30,316 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
17 June 2013

Accept everything about yourself - I mean everything. You are you and that is the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets.
-Clark Moustakas, shared by Paul in North Weymouth, MA

Remove those
'I want you to like me'
stickers from your forehead,
and instead place them where
they truly will do the most good:
on your mirror.
-Susan Jeffers, shared by Amy in Charlotte, NC

We do not need you to be perfect (whew).
We do, however, need you to be amazing (you are).

This requires embracing your fabulousness, and it also requires embracing your quirks and limitations and setbacks. All of them! Remember that it is possible to like yourself just as you are AND recognize you also possess a few "opportunities for improvement." It is more than possible, actually; self acceptance an essential precursor to self improvement.

I enacted the suggestion above literally and placed a Post-It note with "I want you to like me." on my bathroom mirror just to see what it would be like. I invite you to join me (not in my bathroom, of course--but actually posting the note on a mirror somewhere).

Peace 2u!
The Ripples Guy




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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ripples #733: An Original Life.

Ripples #733: An Original Life.
For our tribe of 30,501 people who share encouragement and gratitude


An original life
is unexplored territory.
You don't get there by taking a taxi-
you get there by carrying a canoe.
-Alan Alda


The night sky is dotted with stars.
One star may not seem significant
but as more appear,
the true art of the nighttime
is fully realized.
It takes time and patience
to see that realization,
but in the end is worth it.
-written and submitted by Nathan Moreau in Manchy, NH


Let today unfold as a reminder that YOU are in charge of creating a
rich life full of possibility. Out of the billions of people who have
walked this planet, there has never been, nor ever will be, another
person with your particular set of experiences, perspectives, talents,
and desires. You have an opportunity, and I daresay an obligation, to
carve out an original life at the intersection of your deep passions and
our world's deep longing.

Every thought you have, every action you take today is like the stars
that my friend Nathan described above. Each one may seem small and
insignificant by itself, but together they create a vast constellation
of possibility. Get to it!

Paul, The Ripples Guy

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ripples #732: Responding.

Ripples #732: Responding.
For our tribe of 30,501 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Jun 3, 2013

Are you reacting rashly,
or responding rationally?
-The Ripples Guy

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
-Viktor Frankl, shared by Lisa in Vernon Hills, IL

How often has someone said or done something that whipped you into a frenzy of frustration or produced a lighting rod of anger before you've had a chance to take a breath and really assess the situation? Do you ever regret the drama of the overheated moment and wish you had waited a few moments (or months) to respond in a more compassionate, measured way?

Here is yet another chance to remember that our FIRST REACTION is not always our BEST RESPONSE. I hope you can take a time out when necessary this week, and don't be afraid to reach out and apologize to someone who received your BRASH self instead of your BEST self.

The Ripples Guy