Monday, November 25, 2013

Ripples #757: Gratitude!

Ripples #757: Gratitude!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
25 Nov 2013

Every once in awhile God allows you to stub your toe
as a kind reminder to be grateful
for the miraculous body attached to it.
-Richelle E. Goodrich, shared by Suzan in Lincoln, NE

It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.
-Ralph Marston, shared by Bev in Madison, WI

In just a few days, those of us here in the USA arrive at our Thanksgiving holiday which kicks off our winter holiday season.  For the past 13 years (!), we've focused one issue on gratitude (and in case you missed it last week, a list of *all* the previous Thanksgiving quotes is available by sending a blank email to:

I recently challenged some of my Facebook buddies to try expressing gratitude for the less pleasant parts of their lives to see if it might amplify the effectiveness of gratitude.  The results astounded me, as people were able to find some thanks-worthy nuggets amidst even the really blechy stuff.  Several courageous people reported that reserves of inner strength, external support, and unexpected benefits were hidden within what was initially perceived as "no good can possibly come from something this awful."

I'll be happy if you can take note and find gratitude withing the good stuff in your life, but I dare you this week to sample from the buffet of "gratitude for the tough stuff" and see if it might be worth experiencing.

P.S.  Please know that I am beyond grateful for your quote submissions, your testimonials, and your companionship through 757 weeks of unleashing Ripples.  You are the gravy that has made this buffet so delicious, so delightful.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ripples #756: Renewable Dreams!

Ripples #756: Renewable Dreams!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
18 Nov 2013

be passionate about your dreams
don't sway off the intended course
you may run out of gas at times
let hope be your driving force
-written and shared by Marie Toole in Delray Beach, FL

Dreams are renewable.
No matter what our age
or condition,
there are still
untapped possibilities within us
and new beauty waiting to be born.
-Dr. Dale Turner, shared by Pete in Sedona, AZ

Do you have any persistent daydreams that you haven't taken any action on?  Have you discarded any dreams because they seemed too big or too unlikely or too difficult or just too *something* for you to believe and act on them?

I think we all need to review our past dreams and check for any new sparks of inspiration or energy that could renew a dream, and perhaps upgrade it to a dare.

P.S.  Can you believe that next week is Thanksgiving?  If you'd like to prepare with a sampling of all the gratitude-themed quotes we've used over the past 13 years, you can send a blank email to

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ripples #755: Sparks!

Ripples #755: Sparks!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
11 Nov 2013

You have to find what sparks a light in you
so that you in your own way can illuminate the world.
-Oprah Winfrey, shared by Sheri in Lincoln, NE

Motivation is a fire from within.
If someone else tries to light that fire under you,
chances are it will burn very briefly.
-Steven Covey, shared by Brett in Madison, WI

Have you noticed any topics or ideas or people that have especially sparked your interest lately?  Concepts or projects that especially intrigue you *could* be trying to nudge you in a new direction.  Perhaps we can all commit to being curious about any sparks that could catch fire.  If you're *not* feeling much motivation lately, maybe you can shake things up with fresh routines?  Remember that to have a different outcome you almost certainly need to DO things differently.  


Monday, November 4, 2013

Ripples #754: Better!

Ripples #754: Better!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
4 Nov 2013

Do the best you can until you know better.
Then when you know better, do better.
-Maya Angelou, shared by Jen from Mississauga, Canada

The real winners in life
are the people who look
at every situation
with an expectation
that they can make it work
or make it better.
-Barbara Pletcher, shared by Isaac from Sedona, AZ

If you are facing small or significant challenges right now, I hope you can dig deep to drum up the energy and inspiration to make things BETTER.  Rest when you need to, but as often as possible seek the smallest changes that could have the biggest impact on improving the situation.  Every. Step. Counts.

On the other hand, CONGRATS if everything is going just fine in your world.  Especially if you've recently endured some ups and downs, coasting along for a while can feel sooooo good. At some point, though, I dare you to ask yourself: "So, how can I make things even BETTER??"  Listen, dream, ponder, and then take action.  Even the baby steps can transform good to better, and better to awesome.  Are you in?  Please, be in.
