Sunday, April 28, 2002

eRipples v4.17: Ripples of LIVING ART!

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PEBBLE =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

We are all capable of much more than we think we are.
-Lao Tzu, submitted by Rebecca

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= BOULDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o

We are living art,
Created to hang on,
stand up,
continue and
encourage others.
-Maya Angelou, submitted by Darcy

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PONDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

This week I spent some time with my colleagues in the South Central
Wisconsin Chapter of the American Society of Training and Development
before heading to Nebraska for a spectacular day at Bryan School of
Nursing. This crew of 200+ students and instructors reminded me that
there are countless phenomenal people on this planet who, with
already crazy-busy lives, seek even more ways to serve others. While
I reminded them to be sure and find time for themselves, it is deeply
satisfying to find souls who rise beyond their lives and create
ripples in their work. They are surely masterpieces of living art!


Sunday, April 21, 2002

eRipples v4.16: Ripples of TREASURES!

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PEBBLE =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

Life is a treasure hunt - love is the treasure.
-source unknown, submitted by Larissa M <>

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= BOULDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o

I wish that life
not be cheap,
but sacred;

I wish the day
to be as centuries,
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, submitted by Sara M. <>

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PONDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

In between visits to Indiana University-Bloomington (just about the
coolest group of support staff I've spent time with!), and a
fantastic day with the Indiana School Food Service Association, I
have spent some time reading through the dozens of responses to last
week's request for feedback about eRipples. While some of you had
some really neat suggestions for improvement (which we will be
exploring over the next few months), over 100 of you said "I like
ripples just the way it is." The emails from so many people who
took time from their busy week created a treasure chest of kindness I
will enjoy for several more weeks as I sift through them!

Beyond those 140 people, hundreds more have passed eRipples on to
others, submitted quotes and/or ordered treats from our online store.
Even those of you who simply take a moment from your crazy day to
treat yourself with this splash of kindness are creating a tiny
treasure that continues the ripples!

Peace and treasures to you,

Sunday, April 14, 2002

eRipples v4.15: Ripples of IMPROVEMENT!

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PEBBLE =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

There is no nobility in being better than another.
Nobility lies in being better than one's former self.
-Hindu proverb, submitted by Phyllis

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= BOULDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o

The important thing is this:
to be able at any moment
to sacrifice what we are
for what we could become.
- Charles Du Bois, submitted by Michelle

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PONDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

Since we are all about IMPROVEMENT this week, can you do me a BIG
favor and help The Ripples Project improve? We need to know what you
like most about eRipples, and we need to know how we could make it
better. Your quick feedback will let us know that eRipples is
important enough to continue!


Sunday, April 7, 2002

eRipples v4.14: Ripples of AHHHHHHHHH!

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PEBBLE =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?
-Marcel Marceau, submitted by E.R.

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= BOULDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o

Life is not measured
by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments
that take our breath away.
-source unknown, submitted by Ken

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PONDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

I was excited this week to spend a few days with some of my favorite
training colleagues at a leadership conference in Miami. On Saturday
a few of us slipped away from the conference for dinner and a walk
along the oceanfront. I thought our remarkable evening couldn't get
any better, but then we boarded a huge sailboat for a one hour tour
of the harbor. Moving away from the tourist-filled marketplace and
seeing the nighttime skyline glow with a million lights on a perfect
evening (well, we were wrapped in blankets!) was magnificent! At one
point on our way back towards the dock I noticed the person sitting
next to me staring off into the star-filled sky. I said, "Jacquett,
are you okay?" She responded, "Oh yes, I am just taking in the

I joined her in a few moments of silence (a rare moment in my world
to be silent around people!) and found the evening raised to a level
of, well, of simply AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I hope you can find a moment to find an AHHHHHHHHH this week!
