Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ripples v9.35: Running or Learning?

Ripples v9.35: Running or Learning?
8/27/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it,
you can either run from it, or learn from it.
-Rafiki in The Lion King, submitted by Heidi R., Dubuque IA

____________________BOULDER ____________________

If a man is indeed
the sum of his memories,
then removing or changing an experience
would change the man.

I like me;
I may not like the things
that happen to me,
but if I changed them
I wouldn't be who I am today
or who I WILL be tomorrow.

Never regret;
you may look back and think
things could have been better
but you may just turn that weakness
into the strength needed
to be where you are today.
-Peter Davidson, submitted by Justin R., St. Louis MO

____________________PONDER ____________________

Stuff happens.

Some of the stuff that happens in life is fun and some of it can be, well, not so much fun. We rarely get to choose what happens to us, but we always get to choose how we respond to what happens to us. Sometimes running away may be the right thing to do, but hopefully we eventually grow into wiser beings when we take the time and energy to sift through our experiences (aka our STUFF) and learn from it.

So, take a look at your recent or long ago stuff and decide: is it time to RUN or is it time to LEARN? Either way, good luck!


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Ripples v9.34: Busy & Important!

Ripples v9.34: Busy & Important!
8/20/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

By having the courage to be yourself
you put something wonderful in the world
that was not there before.
- Edwin Elliot, submitted by Terri H., Franklin WI

____________________BOULDER ____________________

Why waste time
comparing yourself
to others?

No one
in the entire world
can do a better job
of being you
than you.
-Bob Moawad, submitted by Peggy N., Tucson AZ

____________________PONDER ____________________

Every year around this time, I have the great good fortune to visit two of my favorite groups: Central Michigan, and University of North Carolina - Asheville. Uh-oh....


I need to pause here a moment and explain that very often I begin the "Ponder" by mentioning places I have recently visited. I like to welcome the new Ripples subscribers from there and give subscribers who know me a quick update on my adventures. Many people have told me they enjoy reading these, and I have also received a few comments that it comes off like I am trying to sound BUSY and IMPORTANT.

So, let me clear something up: I AM busy and important...
...just like YOU and every other person on Ripples!

My busyness may look different because I spend lots of time in airports and hotels, and it is true that many days when I go to work people clap for me. I humbly accept my importance because of all the very important jobs that the OTHER people in the room have: nurses and educators and credit union teams and student leaders and students and parents and support staff and service folks and managers and well, YOU TOO! I figured out a long time ago that my job on this planet is to help all the BUSY and IMPORTANT people I encounter seek more effectiveness and more joy in life.

So, I'll say this to the Safari Guides at CMU, the Summit Crew & new students and UNCA, and each and every one of you: Take a moment from your BUSY week and celebrate the fact that you are very IMPORTANT to *ME* and many other people!

Oh, and get ready, dear Ripplers, because SPLASH, The Ripples Car, may want to come visit you and your organization...details to come....


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ripples v9.33: Pulling Apart!

Ripples v9.33: Pulling Apart!
8/13/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

It's never easy to leave your family to attend college or take a new job.
However, the rest of the world benefits because
a little of piece of that town and all of its inhabitants are carried with you.
-unknown blogger, submitted by Heather S., Beaumont TX

____________________BOULDER ____________________

Letting go is seldom easy-
whether it's letting go of our children,
our parents, or our childhood feelings.
But just as the root systems of plants
often have to be divided
for healthy growth to continue,
the different generations within a family
may have to pull apart for a while
for each to find its own healthy identity.
-Fred Rogers, submitted by Toni W., McHenry IL

____________________PONDER ____________________

Many of us are in "back to school" mode and if you (or a family member or friend) are a student, educator or school administrator, the fall semester can be a difficult time. This is especially true when it creates a new chapter in your life: new school, new job, etc. Change is usually challenging because we are grieving the loss of "the way things were" and we just aren't sure what things are going like. I hope you remember that ever since the day you were born you have been constantly adapting and growing and changing. You are better at it than you realize!

So if you or someone you know is about to start a new chapter, remember to pack a little piece of the past and accept this truth: the journey make temporarily pull you apart from loved ones AND it may also help you find new people to love!

Get ready, get set, PULL!


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Ripples v9.32: Quality Days!

Ripples v9.32: Quality Days!
8/6/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

Life itself is the proper binge.
-Julia Child, submitted by Cathy D.

____________________BOULDER ____________________

At the end of life,
it's the laughter,
the tears,
the shared joys and
the shared heartaches
that we remember.

The wealth,
the work,
the trials
and problems
are as nothing.

It's the quality of our days
and the people we share them with
that make all the difference.
-Margaret James, submitted by Debbie R., Cincinnati OH

____________________PONDER ____________________

As I inch closer to the commencement of my fall travel craziness, I am choosing to fill my remaining QUALITY DAYS of summer by binging on friendships. Lunches and movies and cards and barbecues and walks and lazy "sit and chats" too. I hope you can find someone to share some QUALITY time with this week. It could be a co-worker or a longtime friend, or maybe that person that you run into repeatedly and you sort of know but not really.

Make a friendship date and then have an adventure!
