Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ripples v10.20: Feeding Friendlies!

Ripples v10.20: Feeding Friendlies!
May 19, 2008: a free weekly splash to 19,406 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project

__PEBBLE _________________________________

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
-Plato, submitted by Mia C., Greensboro NC

__BOULDER _________________________________

Feed your friendlies.
I mean you absolutely must take the time
to nourish those relationships
that give you energy,
that provide you with insight, and
that are good for you,
whenever possible,
in order to grow big and strong.
Make it great. Feed your friendlies. It's all up to you!
-Phil Gerbyshak, submitted by Debra E., Ohio

__PONDER _________________________________

On Tuesday, I visited a group of HR professionals to explore the possibilities of professional networking. Instead of it being yet another (dreaded) task on their plate, we reframed networking as EFFICIENT (you can get work done while you network), EFFECTIVE (it can help you gain information & ideas), and ENJOYABLE (you can meet cool people to enjoy the moment and explore future opportunities). While I defined networking as building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships, our theme this week sums it up even better: FEEDING FRIENDLIES!

Could you take a few minutes this week to FEED YOUR FRIENDLIES? A quick email, a long call, or a precious hand written note could be a great "snack" to nourish the connection, or perhaps you need to schedule some quality one-on-one time with someone you have lost contact with. Thinking about it is good, taking action is great.

Speaking of which: I have enjoyed connecting with many of our friendly RIPPLERS over the years, and we continue to experiment with strategies for members of The Ripples Project to interact with each other. As we gradually advance towards 10 years of Ripples and 20,000 active members I want to find some way to bring us together to celebrate. Are you in? I have a few ideas, and would like to hear some of make sure you have joined one or both of our official RIPPLES networks so we can exchange some ideas in the near future:


(If you are not already using Facebook or LinkedIn, both are FREE, take only a few minutes to join, and I think they have great potential to maintain and build connections while protecting your privacy too!)


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