Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ripples v10.32: The Miracle of Starting!

Ripples v10.32: The Miracle of Starting!
August 11, 2008: a free weekly splash to 19,972 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project

__PEBBLE _________________________________

The miracle isn't that I finished. . .
The miracle is that I had the courage to start.
-source unknown, submitted by Anne C-W, Wisconsin

__BOULDERS _________________________________

It's never too late
to start living the life
you've always wanted to live, or
to start being the person
you've always wanted to be.
-source unknown, submitted by Nikki B., Cranston RI

__PONDER _________________________________

Last week I wrapped up my visit to sunny San Diego for S.P. Richards' always magnificent "Advantage Business Conference" with hundreds of old and new friends. I challenged workshop participants to make sure that they took action on some of the ideas and information they picked up at the event, and I reminded them that the easiest way to fight procrastination is to stop trying to get it DONE and instead just take action to get it STARTED.

I dare you to do the same: choose some project, task, chore, or idea that you would like to get moving on and, well, START!


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