Monday, November 24, 2008

Ripples v10.47: Grateful!

Ripples v10.47: Grateful!
November 24, 2008: a free weekly splash to 21,383 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project
Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.
-Jacques Maritain, submitted by Sean D., Texas

The fragrance of the early morn,
The sunlight on the sill,
The smell of coffee perking, and
Outside, the robin's trill.

A friend's voice on the telephone,
A child with smiling face,
A letter from a loved one dear,
Some flowers in a vase.

Just little things, these treasures mine,
And yet, somehow, I find
They brighten my entire day
With cheer and peace of mind.
-Beverly J. Anderson, submitted by Louise F.

I'm grateful that every week you take a moment to pause and ponder with us. I'm grateful for the many quotes you have submitted to keep our ripply pond full of inspiration. I'm grateful to those who have been on this list for many years, and I'm grateful to our brand new ripplers, too.

I am grateful that I have you in my life. Pass it on!


Monday, November 17, 2008

Ripples v10.46: Flow!

Ripples v10.46: Flow!
November 17, 2008: a free weekly splash to 21,449 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project
Don't push the river, it flows by itself.
-Barry Stevens, submitted by Aliison, S., Nishiaizu, Fukushima Prefecture Japan
All things change,
nothing is extinguished.
There is nothing in the whole world
which is permanent.
Everything flows onward;
all things are brought into being
with a changing nature;
the ages themselves glide by
in constant movement.
Hello dear ripply friend!
I promise there is no need to get ready,
no need to get set,
all you have to do is pause, breathe, then...


Monday, November 10, 2008

Ripples v10.45: Acknowledge Differences!

Ripples v10.45: Acknowledge Differences!
November 10, 2008: a free weekly splash to 21,464 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project

__PEBBLE _________________________________

Being tolerant does not mean that I share another's belief.
But it does mean that I acknowledge another one's right to believe, and obey, his own conscience.
-Victor Frankl, submitted by Lin H., Bloomington IL

__BOULDER _________________________________

When we come to know ourselves
as gifted and conflicted,
we become more tolerant
of the differences we encounter in others
and can relinquish the illusion
that we are the center of a harmonious universe.
- Elizabeth J. Canham, submitted by Pat J., Wauwatosa WI

__PONDER _________________________________

Here in the U.S. we have (finally!) finished the exhilarating and exhausting process of selecting our next president and it is (finally!) time to recognize that our differences don't have to divide us. As I told my Facebook Friends, I believe "if blue celebrates humbly & red responds respectfully, the significance of this moment will emerge."

I hope you can expend extra energy this week to ACKNOWLEDGE DIFFERENCES between you and someone you argue/disagree/fight with often. With enough patience, practice, and persistence, you may discover that differences are not necessarily bad; they can even help make for more satisfying connections, more creative solutions, and a far more enriching life.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Ripples v10.44: Choices!

Ripples v10.44: Choices!
November 3, 2008: a free weekly splash to 21,000 subscribers
from Paul & The Ripples Project

__PEBBLE _________________________________

We are all facing choices that define us.
No choice, however messy, is without importance in the overall picture of our lives.
We all at our own age have to claim something, even if it's only our own confusion.
-Sabrina Ward Harrison, submitted by Jennifer H., San Luis Obispo CA

__BOULDER _________________________________

Any change, any loss, does not make us victims.
Others can shake you, disappoint you,
but they can't prevent you from acting,
from taking the situation you're presented with and moving on.
No matter where you are in life,
no matter what your situation,
you can always do something.
You always have a choice
and the choice can be power.
-Blaine Lee, submitted by David D., Oklahoma City OK

__PONDER _________________________________

You might be pondering who to vote for,
whether to make a substantial change at work/school,
or how to deal with a minor or significant challenge in your life.
Every choice you make this week is an opportunity to
explore alternative options,
consider possible downsides, and
remember that each decision you make has the potential to
transform your tomorrow!

Happy Choicing!
