Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ripples v11.08: Your Life's Journey!

Ripples v11.08: Your Life's Journey!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 21,820
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

Your whole life has been a long journey to this very moment.
-source unknown, submitted by Lisa S., Portland OR

The best day of your life
is the one on which you decide
your life is your own.
No apologies or excuses.
No one to lean on, rely on, or blame.
The gift of life is yours;
it is an amazing journey; and
you alone are responsible for the quality of it.
-Dan Zadra, submitted by Mia Su C., Greensboro NC

Your life, your journey, your choice. What is next for you?

I'm intrigued and excited and nervous about some looming choices that will impact my life and could alter my journey. I'll feel better about these adventures knowing that I have you along for the ride, and I'll spend part of my journey reminding you that I'm along for your ride, too.

Let's go somewhere awesome, shall we?


Monday, February 16, 2009

Ripples v11.07: Overrated Normalcy!

Ripples v11.07: Overrated Normalcy!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 21,753
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.
-source unknown, submitted by Mia Su C., Greensboro NC

My darling girl,
when are you going to understand
that normalcy is not necessarily a virtue,
it rather denotes a lack of courage.
-from the movie "Practical Magic," submitted by Kayla G., Los Angeles CA

You have permission this week to be your abnormal self. Find the courage to be goofy or strange or silly or bizarre. You might freak some people out, but others will welcome the opportunity to remove their own "normal" masks and join you in being REAL!

p.s. One of our original Ripplers, Charlene G., proposed an interesting acronym as a possible strategy for helping people quickly understand what RIPPLES is all about: Real Individuals Positively Proving Love Empowers - Super! Very cool, Charlene!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ripples v11.06: Aspire!

Ripples v11.06: Aspire!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 21,750
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

Success is the good fortune that comes from
aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.
-Evan Esar, submitted by Stephie C., Freehold NJ

Stand often in the company of dreamers...
they tickle your common sense
and believe you can achieve
that which is impossible.
-Mary Anne Radmacher, submitted by Cheryl B., Madison WI

Would you dream with me for a few moments?

Many of you know that a few years ago I covered my car in smiley faces and the phrases "Kindness Ripples," "Peace Ripples," and "Happiness Ripples." Since then I have been pondering what it would be like to drive around the country to hang out with fellow ripplers and see if we could create some powerful waves of inspiration. I think in light of the many challenges that we are currently facing, the time has come to make this dream a reality. As a bonus, it would be a magnificently fun way to say THANKS to many of you for ten years of nurturing The Ripples Project!

This could be as simple as showing up in your city and breaking break at a restaurant with whoever shows up, or it could be as elaborate as planning inspirational presentations and trying to gather a few dozen or a few hundred people together who need a big splash of inspiration.

In order to encourage a "group conversation," I have posted discussion topics on our Facebook & LinkedIn groups (see links below) and I need to hear from you! How could we make this happen? Where should I go? Can you help? If you are not yet a part of one of these online communities, this could be the perfect reason to join one because you'll instantly have access to many connections with the RIPPLES groups there!

Are you in?


Monday, February 2, 2009

Ripples v11.05: Rut Departure!

Ripples v11.05: Rut Departure!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 21,700
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

You are closer to glory leaping an abyss than upholstering a rut.
- James Broughton, submitted by Sarah N., Madison WI

The truth is that our finest moments
are most likely to occur when we are feeling
deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled.
For it is only in such moments,
propelled by our discomfort,
that we are likely to step out of our ruts
and start searching for different ways or truer answers.
- M. Scott Peck, submitted by Pat S., Appleton WI


Ladies and gentleman, thank you for joining us on this flight to New Possibilities.

We have been cleared for take off from the rut you have been in, so we need you to buckle your seat belt, allow your arms and legs to wave and jump enthusiastically, and note the emergency exits do not exist on this craft because you won't need them! You are schedule to arrive at a new destination with renewed passion and more energy than when you left your rut because you are excited and a little scared. This is the Way it shall be. Enjoy!
