Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ripples v11.13: Smile!

Ripples v11.13: Smile!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,190
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
but sometimes your smile is the source of your joy.
-Thich Nhat Hahn, submitted by Kalea A., Chico CA

There can be no happiness
if the things we believe in
are different from
the things we do.
-Freya Madeline Stark, submitted by Shayla D., Madison WI

Hey, you. Yes, you... I need to borrow one smile, pretty please with sugar on top?

I intend to gather a big pile of smiling faces with encouraging signs to help unleash ripples of compassion and kindness on the upcoming uROCK! roadtrip. The collection won't be complete without your smile!

Please write a note to someone in your life who needs some encouragement, or to a group who could use a lift (soldiers, elderly, abuse victims, people facing big challenges with employment, health, finances, self confidence, etc.). Then use a camera, a web cam, or your cell phone to snap a photo of your smiling face holding the sign and mail it to me so I can post it on the website. You can see examples here:

You can upload the photo directly at the website above OR simply send it to me and I'll post it.

I know you are busy AND I want you to know that those who have submitted a smile already report it was QUICKER and MORE MEANINGFUL than they expected. Are you in?


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ripples v11.12: Unleashing Kindness, uROCK!

Ripples v11.12: Unleashing Kindness, uROCK!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,044
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

With every act of kindness a new flower blooms.
-source unknown, submitted by Lisa D., L'Anse MI

No kind action ever stops with itself.
One kind action leads to another.
Good example is followed.
A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions,
and the roots spring up and make new trees.
The greatest work that kindness does to others
is that it makes them kind themselves.
-Lawrence G. Lovasik, submitted by Nicki P. Madison, WI


uROCK! = unleashing ripples of compassion + kindness!

Ripples is going on a roadtrip. I am going to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Ripples by driving around in my smile-covered car to visit fellow Ripplers and remind us all that we CAN make it through this crazy economic mess by sharing warm smiles, kind words, and quick favors. You know Kindness Ripples, and the more we unleash ripples of compassion and kindness, the better off we will all be. I will soon need your help to decide WHERE to go after my first few experimental "waves" which begin on April 14. I will also need your help collecting 1,000 smiles before I depart...more on that next week.

Are you in?


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ripples v11.11: Compassion!

Ripples v11.11: Compassion!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,039
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

When other people make mistakes, we seek justice.
When we make mistakes, we seek compassion.
The lesson is to give to others what you seek.
-Maura Cullen, "35 Dumb Things Well-Intended People Say"
(Congrats on your new book, Maura!)

The act of compassion begins with full attention,
just as rapport does.
You have to really see the person.
If you see the person, then naturally, empathy arises.
If you tune into the other person, you feel with them.
If empathy arises, and if that person is in dire need,
then empathic concern can come.
You want to help them, and then that begins a compassionate act.
So I'd say that compassion begins with attention.
-Daniel Goleman


While working on an exciting adventure that I will share more about in a few days,
I came across some powerful definitions of compassion:

Compassion: understanding without judgment.

Compassion: the desire to help when a need is discovered.

Compassion: profound human emotion prompted by the pain of others.
More vigorous than empathy, the feeling commonly gives rise
to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering.

Perhaps you can spend some time today paying attention to those around you to see who might need your compassion. You may find that after feeling compassion, a desire will grow to ACT on it to help someone else. If you are brave, generous, and daring, you might even take the next step....


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ripples v11.10: Hope for Treasure!

Ripples v11.10: Hope for Treasure!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,048
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

Where there is ruin, there is hope for treasure.
-Rumi, submitted by Karen L., Cincinnati OH

To be hopeful in bad times
is not just foolishly romantic.
It is based on the fact that
human history is a history not only of cruelty,
but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness...
-Howard Zinn, submitted by Leslie S., Madison WI


Like courage or optimism, hope is something that is most useful when it is the hardest to muster---at our darkest moments. Its easy for us to be hopeful when things are going well. We are often awash in hope then, but we don't really need it. I think this is why real hope isn't easy. Hope can be scary, it can be fleeting, it can be challenging. Which also makes hope so valuable.

So have hope!

In some ways, hope is a skill that can improve with practice. One tip: practice taking the long view. In an era of instant messaging, monthly IRA statements, and quarterly earning reports, it is easy to get caught up in measuring success by the day, or the week, or the quarter. Our problems may be serious. They may not improve this year. If we take the long view, however, we can more easily find hope that change will come.

Do what you can this week to seek hope and savor hope.

p.s. Thanks to my best friend Ron who helped me write this week's ponder. He didn't ask for attribution, but I know he wouldn't want me plagiarizing either.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ripples v11.09: Your Best Thoughts!

Ripples v11.09: Your Best Thoughts!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,032
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

Nurture your mind with great thoughts,
for you will never go any higher than you think.
-Benjamin Disraeli, submitted by Diane H.

Changing your thinking
can indeed change your world.
So choose the best thoughts
that you can possibly imagine.
-Ralph Marston, submitted by Jennifer G, Sheboygan Falls WI


What are you thinking about right now?

Whatever you have to think about or do today, it can all be improved if you are able to access YOUR BEST THOUGHTS! So take a deep breath, let yourself be fully present, and remember that your highest, bestest self is ready to help you have an incredible week. Think your best thoughts, and enjoy your crazy life!

March 2, 2009