Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ripples v11.21: Giant Possibilities!

Ripples v11.21: Giant Possibilities!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,441
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!
Monday, June 1, 2009

Nothing is too high if you're a giant in your mind.
-Steven H. (9th grader), submitted by Heather C. (his teacher), Morehead City NC

You are everything that is--
your thoughts, your life, your dreams come true.
You are everything you choose to be.
You are as unlimited as the universe.
-Shad Helmstetter, submitted by Mia Su C., Greensboro NC

Thanks for letting me take a week off! I hope you had an enjoyable holiday weekend and short week, and I hope this week is filled with enormous POSSIBILITIES!

Spend at least a few moments pondering them, a few moments savoring them, and then please spend a few moments acting on them!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ripples v11.20: Flip The Pencil!

Ripples v11.20: Flip The Pencil!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,294
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!
Monday, May 18, 2009

Why spend the time trying to erase history when you can flip the pencil and make something for the whole world to see?
-written & submitted by Payton Mittenzwei, Mazomanie WI

Inaction breeds doubt and fear.
Action breeds confidence and courage.
If you want to conquer fear,
do not sit home and think about it.
Go out and get busy.
-Dale Carnegie, submitted by Mary G., Glendale AZ

As the days continue to get longer and warmer up here in the northern hemisphere, it may be a good time to "go out and get busy" to improve yourself and/or your world. It doesn't have to be a gigantic step--remember that Ripples is all about the tiny actions that can create big possibilities. So stop thinking about the past, "flip your pencil" as Payton suggested above, and start writing a new chapter in your life!

Also, I am always seeking fresh quotes for future issues, so please reply to this issue and if you can try to format the quotes just like you see them in Ripples, with the source and your first name, last initial and your location!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ripples v11.19: Deep Wells!

Ripples v11.19: Deep Wells!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,219
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!
Monday, May 11, 2009

Think of the world you carry inside you.
-Rainer Maria Rilke, submitted by Mia C., Greensboro NC

Few people during their lifetime
come anywhere near exhausting
the resources dwelling within them.
There are deep wells of strength
that are never used.
-Richard E. Byrd, submitted by Terry H., Franklin WI

If you are facing a challenge right now, this week needs to be about digging deep into your "well of strength" and then using it to move things forward. You might be ready for big leaps, or you might need to start with baby steps; whatever the size, just be sure you move!

I'm hitting the road again this week for some more stops on the uROCK! Roadtrip: on Friday I'll have breakfast at 9:30am in Des Moines at the Drake Diner, and at 3pm I'll wrap up my day on campus at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. If you cannot join me in person, I could use some more smiles to share with others, so visit the roadtrip website and click on the Smiles tab:


Monday, May 4, 2009

Ripples v11.18: Treasure Conscious!

Ripples v11.18: Treasure Conscious!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,283
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!
Monday, May 4, 2009

We can only be said to be alive in those moments
when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.
-Thornton Wilder

We are all visitors--even when we are home.
That is, our time in any relationship or
place is ultimately limited.
We are passing through: Nobody stays forever.
How might we act if we thought of ourselves
as guests in the lives of friends and family?
We might also think of ourselves as uninvited,
but not unwelcome, guests of the planet.
And I think the rules for being
good guests of the planet are just the same:
Ask little, accept what is offered, and give thanks.
-Jeffrey Lockwood, submitted by Terry H., Franklin WI

I have enjoyed many adventures this week: met some new friends, connected with old friends, and had to cut short my journey by a few days because I wasn't feeling 100% (but getting there!).

I'll keep this extra short as I remind myself and my fellow Ripplers to consider the above Boulder's last line as potential goals for this week: "Ask little, accept what is offered, and give thanks."
