Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ripples v11.42: First and Last!

Ripples v11.42: First and Last!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 24,051
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
Monday, October 26, 2009

Do each activity that you enjoy as if it is your first and last time doing it. Do it with the wonder and excitement of the first time and the appreciation and cherishing of the last time.
-written and submitted by Brett B., Madison WI

The heart may freeze or it can burn;
The pain will ease if I can learn;
There is no future, there is no past;
I live this moment as my last.
There's only us, there's only this;
Forget regret, or life is yours to miss;
No other road, no other way;
No day but today.
-"Rent," submitted by Jessie M., Lincoln NE

I had a FIRST and a LAST this week: I delivered my FIRST presentation in the great state of Texas on my LAST trip of the year. I tried to take my dear friend Brett's advice included as this week's pebble; I discovered that it takes just a little effort to combine the enthusiasm of initial adventures with the savoring of final glances to transform an everyday experience into a precious gift.

Something magical awaits you this week if you select a mundane task or special project and take an extra moment to examine the perspectives of FIRST and LAST.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ripples v11.41: Commitment!

Ripples v11.41: Commitment!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 23,870
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
Monday, October 19, 2009

Anything less than a conscious commitment to the important
is an unconscious commitment to the unimportant.
-Stephen Covey, submitted by Betsy L., Welches OR

Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.
-Mario Andretti, submitted by Shanika D., Manchester CT

I had an brief but magnificent journey to the Colorado Rockies where I spent time with a few hundred RAs from the mountain states AND found a few minutes of solitude in the altitude as well.

A pair of turbulent flights has me "feeling poopy" (last week's Ripples theme), so I'll keep this brief and ask you to choose something important in your life and make a commitment to it this week. You can do it!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ripples v11.40: Poopy Days!

Ripples v11.40: Poopy Days!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 23,674
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
Monday, October 12, 2009

Use your poopy today as fertilizer for a better tomorrow.
-written and submitted by Debbie S., Kohler WI

There are some days when no matter what I say it feels like I'm far away in another country & whoever is doing the translating has had far too much to drink., submitted by Kelly L., Philadelphia PA (via her daughter Erin's blog)

On Friday as I prepared to head to the airport for my weekend adventures in Moscow, Idaho, I tweaked my back (and I can still hear my physical therapist gently reminding me that if I had stuck to my back exercises this likely would not have happened--I know, I know!!). I was in for a poopy Friday: a long day of travel via airplane and rental car with a fair amount of pain. And I was worried it would mean a poopy Saturday, when I was supposed to be enthusiastic and inspiring through several presentations at a leadership conference.

It turns out that a good night's sleep, a hot tub soak, some ibuprofen and an infusion of energy from students and staff at the University of Idaho was all I needed to transform a potentially poopy day into an exciting adventure (with much gratitude to Denise, Mitch, & Tricia who ensured I didn't need to carry or lift anything heavy during my visit).

If you are experiencing a poopy day (or poopy week, month, etc.), I trust you will seek the right combination of external support and internal strength so you can eventually pick yourself up, dust yourself off and create something magical for yourself and/or others.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ripples v11.39: Not Folding!

Ripples v11.39: Not Folding!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 23,582
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
Monday, October 5, 2009

It's okay to fail. It's NOT okay to fold.
-Alan Hobson, submitted by Shelley F., Calgary AB

Failure taught me things about myself
that I could have learned no other way.
I discovered that I had a strong will,
and more discipline than I had suspected;
I also found out that I had friends
whose value was truly above rubies.
-J.K. Rowling, submitted by Stephanie W., St. Louis MO

So, it turned out less perfectly you hoped. Or maybe things just fell apart completely. I'm tempted to say, "I'm sorry," and assure you that another time things will turn out better. But hey, if something failed this week for you, you might need to jump up and down and scream, "HURRAY!" Failure is a good teacher, shows you how NOT to do it, and reminds you to really cherish your successes.

Happy Failing this week!
