Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ripples #603: Super Scars!

Ripples #603: Super Scars!
For our tribe of 27,132 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Dec 13, 2010

Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue.
Realize the strength, move on.
-Henry Rollins, submitted by Kenny Mauk, Denton TX

Self acceptance comes from
meeting life's challenges vigorously.
Don't numb yourself
to your trials and difficulties,
nor build mental walls
to exclude pain from your life.
You will find peace not by
trying to escape your problems,
but by confronting them courageously.
You will find peace not in denial,
but in victory.
-J. Donald Walters, submitted by Emily, Columbus OH

We have all faced yucky stuff. All of us. It comes in all shapes and
sizes and durations and depths. As we wind down this calendar year, I hope
you can take a moment to examine your physical and psychic scars and notice
whether you have become stronger, braver, and wiser this year not in spite
of, but because of, the stuff you have faced this year.

And if you are feeling REALLY strong, brave, and wise, perhaps you can let
go some of the yuck even as you embrace the good that came out of it.


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