Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ripples #612: Lots Of Varied Experiences!

Ripples #612: Lots Of Varied Experiences!
For our tribe of 27,163 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Feb 14, 2011

Do not seek perfection in a changing world.
Instead, perfect your love.
-Master Sengstan, submitted by Rebecca, Chicago IL

Love is friendship that has caught fire.
It is quiet understanding,
mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving.
It is loyalty through good and bad times.
It settles for less than perfection and
makes allowances for human weaknesses.
-Ann Landers

While pondering recently how I could inspire ALL of us (regardless of
relationship status) to participate in this love-themed holiday, I decided
that L.O.V.E. could be an acronym for Lots Of Varied Experiences. Even if
you are not romantically connected on this Valentine's Day, LOVE is
something you hopefully feel towards yourself and at least a few others in
your life (friends, family, pets, etc.).

Many people will celebrate Valentine's Day today with flowers and candy and
cards and kisses. There are, however, many other ways we can express our
love towards the people around us: warm smiles, kind gestures and brief
notes are all valuable without being expensive.

Consider doing something extra special today to remind yourself and the
world that LOVE, in all its forms, is real, abundant, and essential.

Peace & L.O.V.E. to you!

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