Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ripples #621: Wrong Turns.

Ripples #621: Wrong Turns.
For our tribe of 27,717 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Apr 18, 2011

Wrong turns are as important as right turns. More important, sometimes.
-Richard Bach, submitted by Megan, Camden NJ

Success becomes mine as I build
creatively and enthusiastically
on each small failure that tries
temporarily and fruitlessly
to slow me down.
-James Richards, submitted by Troy, Minneapolis MN

Did you make a wrong turn recently? Good for you! Whether you know it or
not, that may have been the best mistake you ever made. You will learn from
it, you will be humbled by it, and hopefully you will be motivated to avoid
THAT mistake again.

Don't spend too many minutes shaming or blaming. Instead, take a few deep
breaths so you can access your best, full self and then decide how you will
move forward from here.


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