Monday, August 29, 2011

Ripples #640: Lifting Up!

Ripples #640: Lifting Up!
For our tribe of 28,132 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 29, 2011

If you want to lift yourself up,
lift up someone else.
-Booker T. Washington, submitted by Nancy in Spring Green, WI

When you do nothing, you feel
overwhelmed and powerless.
But when you get involved,
you feel the sense of
hope and accomplishment
that comes from knowing
you are working
to make things better.
—Pauline R. Kezer

I have enjoyed a crazy busy week of firing up new students at Western
Wyoming Community College, Lakeland College, and Marian University. One of
the core messages I passed on to each group was how important it is to
quickly get involved on campus. Engagement is the quickest way to reduce
fear, make friends, and create deeper meaning; this applies to new students
just getting started at college AND it is great advice for all of us who
seek to have full, enriching lives.

If you want to immediately feel better about yourself and about life in
general, keep your eyes open today for opportunities to lift up a friend,
colleague, classmate, or even a stranger whose path crosses yours by chance.

p.s. Each week a few hundred more people are joining me on Facebook so I
can slip an extra quote into their newsfeed each day and I invite you to
join us:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ripples #639: Amazing You!

Ripples #639: Amazing You!
For our tribe of 27,873 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 22, 2011

Don't be afraid to be amazing.
-Andy Offutt Irwin

You are the one and only you
that ever was, or ever will be.
What you are going to do with this miracle
is a question only you can answer.
-Dan Zadra

This week I helped the resident assistants at U. of Indianapolis prepare to
welcome students back to campus, and they are not alone: my Facebook
Newsfeed is filled with comments about heading back to school.

If you're starting a new chapter in your life, remember that you have
earned this opportunity and you need to bring your bestest, brightest, most
AMAZING YOU so you can maximize the possibilities.

And even if your work/life does not revolve around the academic calendar,
you can still choose to be extra AMAZING this week and watch how much better
events will unfold with each day improving over the last. Try it and see!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ripples #638: Good Friends!

Ripples #638: Good Friends.
For our tribe of 27,834 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 8, 2011

A good friend is a connection to life:
a tie to the past, a road to the future,
the key to sanity in a totally insane world.
-Lois Wyse, submitted by Juls in Los Angeles, CA

I have come to the realization that friends
are the only true staple in life.
More than food, they sustain us
as we hike that trail of life,
taking the road less traveled,
and more than water
they quench our thirst,
our thirst for living,
our thirst for life.
-written/submitted by Amy Williams in Waukesha, WI

I am still savoring a week filled with GOOD FRIENDS! First I helped my old
and new friends at Central Michigan University get ready for their 14th
annual Leadership Safari .  While there I shared a few meals with my dear friend and fellow trainer,
Maura Cullen.

I ended the crazyfun week with three of my grad school buddies who
converged with their families on nearby Lansing for a weekend of chatting
and eating and swimming and dancing around the living room. We laughed
ourselves silly and we loved it so much we planned our 2012 adventure before
we hugged out our goodbyes.

Good friends are rare and precious gems and should be treated as such. I
invite you to reach out to one or more of your friends this week and remind
them how much you treasure having them in your life.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ripples #637: L & L Yourself!

Ripples #637: L & L Yourself!
For our tribe of 27,776 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 8, 2011

Success is liking yourself,
liking what you do, and
liking how you do it.
-Maya Angelou, submitted by Heather in Racine, WI

Love yourself first and
everything else falls into line.
You really have to love yourself
to get anything done in this world.
-Lucille Ball, submitted by Chre Parnell in Dallas, TX

Saturday would have been Lucille Ball's 100th birthday and as I sat down to
crank out this week's Ripples, I noticed that Chre had just (just!) posted
the above quote on our Facebook group wall (see info below about joining
us!). That inspired me to rummage through previous quote submissions and I
thought Maya Angelou's words about LIKING yourself made a great match to
Lucille Balls' comment about LOVING yourself.

Heed the words of these wise women and give yourself an extra dose "L&L"
which will undoubtedly improve your day. Caution: this may spread to
others and improve the whole world.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Ripples #636: Better Not Bitter!

Ripples #636:  Better Not Bitter!
For our tribe of 27,796 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Aug 1, 2011

The difficulties of life are intended 
to make us better, not bitter.
-Jim Vaske, submitted by Kathy in Marshfield, WI

It may be hard for an egg 
to turn into a bird: 
it would be a jolly sight harder 
for it to learn to fly 
while remaining an egg. 

We are like eggs at present. 
And you cannot go on indefinitely 
being just an ordinary, decent egg. 
We must be hatched or go bad.
-C.S. Lewis, submitted by Lisa in Christmas, FL

I connected this week with a few of my friends who are each facing
significant challenges in their lives right now.  I want them (and YOU!) to
know that I am pushing out all kinds of positive energy this week with the
hopes that any of my fellow Ripplers who are struggling can hatch themselves
into the next stage of life.  

It may not be time to fly just yet, but I feel certain you can at least
crack the shell.  

P.S.  My sincere gratitude to over 1,000 Ripplers who bipped over to like
my FB page in the past few weeks.  Shut up I love connecting with you there,
too--I'll keep up the extra splashes just for you!