Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ripples #644: Happy Heart!

Ripples #644: Happy Heart!
For our tribe of 28,895 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Sep 26, 2011

It's hard living with a hard heart!
-Eli Stende, 6 years old, submitted by Troy (proud papa!)

No matter what you are doing,
keep the undercurrent of happiness.
Learn to be secretly
happy within your heart
in spite of all circumstances.
-Paramahansa Yogananda, submitted by Rebecca in Chicago, IL

Young Eli is on to something for sure. Living with a "hard heart" makes it
difficult to notice the good stuff that is likely happening all around us.
Oh, there is poopy stuff happening around us too, and focusing on that is
what can harden our heart (Literally, according to recent research about
about stress and heart health!). So take some advice from a wise 6-year-old
and seek activities that add a bit of "happy" to your heart: look around
you and identify a few things that are going right in your life, or spend a
few extra minutes with your kindest and happiest colleagues, classmates, and

p.s. Having you in my life gives me a happy heart. For reals.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ripples #643: An Unrepeatable Miracle.

Ripples #643: An Unrepeatable Miracle.
For our tribe of 28,769 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Sep 19, 2011

You, whose day it is,
get out your rainbow colors
and make it beautiful!
-Nekoosa Indian Poem, submitted by Elizabeth in Melrose, WI

There is only one minute
in which you are alive:
this minute, here and now.
The only way to live
is by accepting each minute
as an unrepeatable miracle.
-Storm Jameson, submitted by Deidre, Indianapolis, IN


When I left Madison this week it was sunny and 80 degrees, when I returned
from a wonderful visit with my buddies at Cal Poly, it was rainy at 50.

As summer scoots toward its conclusion and our long days are gradually
shortening, it may be time to practice the skill of present living. Strive
to recognize every minute of every day as a precious gift that must be
savored since it cannot be stored.

It will matter less that the days are shorter if you can create a
commitment to step into each moment and create a space to breathe, to live,
to be.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ripples #642: Retaining Hope.

Ripples #642: Retaining Hope.
For our tribe of 28,682 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Sep 12, 2011

Hope never abandons you,
you abandon it.
-George Weinberg, submitted by Marion K. in Massachusetts

My friends, love is better than anger.
Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair.
So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic.
And we’ll change the world.
-Jack Layton (1950-2011), submitted by Rhiannon in Ontario, Canada

Ten years later, have you enlarged your capacity for hope? Are you able to
dream about an improved future for yourself and the world?

I believe that these difficult times can either cause a drain of optimism
or a deluge of hope. We must not allow destructive forces to diminish our
possibilities, because our future improves each time we act on our instinct
that things can get better.

And don't wait for someone else. We need YOU to be on the front lines of
regaining and retaining hope.

p.s. If you'd like to receive a collection of other quotes about HOPE that
we've used in Ripples over the years, send a blank email to:
HOPE [at] (replace [at] with @)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ripples #641: Shaping My Future!

Ripples #641:  Shaping My Future!
For our tribe of 28,302 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Sep 5, 2011

We shouldn’t give up what we want the MOST
for what we want at the MOMENT.
-unknown, submitted by Terry in Oak Creek, WI

I shall shape my future.
Whether I fail or succeed
shall be no man's doing but my own.
I am the force;
I can clear any obstacle before me.
Or I can be lost in the maze.
My choice.
My responsibility.
Win or lose, only I
hold the key to my destiny.
-Og Mandino, submitted by Dixie in Valley City, ND

I enjoyed a quick trip to New Jersey to fire up new students at Rutgers
University's Camden campus (neither the earthquake nor the hurricane stopped
these Raptors from arriving!).  Part of my challenge to them was to make
bold decisions about shaping their future and I hope you are prepared to do
the same this week.

We must be willing to delay some of the immediate gratification that can be
so tempting and extend our vision and our reach beyond what may be EASY to
acquire and set our sights and our grasp on the really big stuff that we
know will improve our existence.
