Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ripples #679: Heroes.

Ripples #679: Heroes.
For our tribe of 30,891 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Heroes are people who rise to the occasion
and then slip quietly away.
-Tom Brokaw, submitted by Brian in Evansville, IN

The primordial soup that creates heroes
never tastes of rainbows--
it's a lumpy gumbo of suffering and evil.
Heroes are born from darkness,
because we desperately need
someone to light the way.
-Dave Kosak, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

If you're still savoring the holiday weekend, please find a moment to remember that Memorial Day, in addition to our "kick off the summer" here in the U.S., is also a chance to honor fallen soldiers who gave their lives so that we may continue to enjoy our many freedoms. If you're back to school/work/life after the holiday weekend, there is still time to recognize soldiers and other heroes who have improved our lives.

And while you're at it, keep your eyes open this week for an opportunity to be there for someone else. Whether it is a quick favor or a significant sacrifice, and with my apologies to Tina Turner, we are always in need of more heroes1


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ripples #678: The Risk of Living.

Ripples #678: The Risk of Living.
For our tribe of 30,943 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Here is the world.
Beautiful and terrible things will happen.
Don't be afraid.
-Frederick Buechner, submitted by Amy in Charlotte, NC

It takes so much to be a full human being
that there are very few who have
the enlightenment or courage to pay the price...
One has to abandon altogether the search for security
and reach out to the risk of living with both arms.

One has to accept pain as a condition of existence.
One has to court doubt and darkness as the cost of knowing.
One needs a will stubborn in conflict,
but apt always to total acceptance
of every consequence of living and dying.
-Morris West, submitted by Jessica in Brooklyn, NY

Remember, folks, we have only one day to live: Today. We cannot live in the past or the future, although we are sometimes tempted by worry, guilt, and regret to try. It just doesn't work out that way. Yes we need to keep our eye on what is coming up in our lives, and it is true that our past offers some valuable history lessons worth keeping in mind. AND: Today is where it is at, it the right place to be; it's what all the cool cats are drinking. So let's grab a red Solo cup and fill it to the top with the delicious, thirst-quenching tonic of THIS VALUABLE DAY!

Embrace all the good and all the messy and all the joy and all the sadness: indeed, let's you and I enjoy the RISK OF LIVING just for today. Okay?


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ripples #677: Leave A Trace.

Ripples #677: Leave A Trace.
For our tribe of 30,858 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

We never touch people so lightly
that we do not leave a trace.
-Peggy Tabor Millin, submitted by Angie in Altoona, WI

We are each other's business;
we are each other's harvest;
we are each other's magnitude and bond.
-Gwendolyn Brooks, submitted by Nick in New Jersey

Our capacity to individually survive and collectively thrive hinges on our ability to provide assistance to each other and accept occasional assistance in return. Some of us are good at one and not the other, so let's make this a week of acknowledging those who have helped us on our journey AND allowing ourselves to consider the lives that we have improved. It may just be an internal pondering AND you could make someone's day with a quick text, email, or handwritten note that describes how they have improved your world.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ripples #676: Lighten The Load!

Ripples #676: Lighten The Load!
For our tribe of 30,915 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

I cling like a miser to the freedom that disappears
as soon as there is an excess of things.
-Albert Camus, submitted by Ester in Barcelona, Catalonia

Let the moment come
when nothing is left
but life,
and you will find
that you do not hesitate
over the fate of
material possessions.
-Edward V. Rickenbacker, submitted by Charlene G., Bellefonte, PA

It started as a tiny whisper that it was time for me to sell my home and move on. Over the last few months my intuition has evolved into a quest to LIGHTEN THE LOAD. Each box of stuff that is packed up to be donated, sold, or given away allows me to feel lighter and freer; this expansive feeling confirms that I am making the right choice to prepare for the next chapter in my life.

I wonder if there is a way you can LIGHTEN THE LOAD this week? It could be a chance to tackle a room, a shelf, or even just a drawer to figure out what you can do without. Another option might be to reach inside, see if there is an old grudge or an outdated way of looking at an issue that is no longer useful. A psychic clearing can be as freeing as a garage cleaning!
