Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ripples #700: Baby Steps!

Ripples #700: Baby Steps!
For our tribe of 31,783 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Never be too afraid to make a big difference;
never be too proud to make a small change.
-written and submitted by Austin Walker in Champaign, IL

Be patient.
Take baby steps
and you will eventually make it
to your final destination.
-written/submitted by Ben Gordon in Orchard Park, NY

Whether you are a fresh or veteran member of our happy tribe of Ripplers, you know that we are committed to reminding you of the BIG potential often hidden within the SMALL choices in our daily lives. For example, there are considerable health benefits in choosing to go to bed a few minutes earlier or eat one more serving of vegetables or walk an extra few steps. Similarly, you could increase your effectiveness at work or in school by investing just a few more minutes in a project. Even your relationships might improve by creating time to make some small "deposits" for those you work, study, live with: a quick favor, a kind word, or another small gesture of kindness to let others know they matter and that you value your connection to them.

But you know all this, of course. Remember that you might considerably improve your week if you went from KNOWING to DOING. Choose to take some action, right this very moment. I dare you!


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