Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ripples #722: Create Yourself Anew!

Ripples #722: Create Yourself Anew!
For our tribe of 31,242 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
March 25, 2013

You are doing something very sacred here,
during your life upon the earth.
You are creating yourself anew,
in each golden moment of Now.
-Neale Donald Walsch, shared by Isaac in Sedona, AZ

May I become at all times, both now and forever,
a protector for those without protection,
a guide for those who have lost their way,
a ship for those with oceans to cross,
a bridge for those with rivers to cross,
a sanctuary for those in danger,
a lamp for those without light,
a place of refuge for those who lack shelter, and
a servant to all in need.
-Dalai Lama, shared by Ryan in La Crosse, WI

Even if it doesn't feel like spring on the outside, I nominate this week as a verdant opportunity to do some spring cleaning on the inside. Rummage through your mind, your heart and your soul, looking for outdated beliefs about yourself that can be discarded to make room for fresh perspectives and a renewed outlook. You might be surprised how just a few minutes of contemplation could have a significant impact on yourself and those around you. Are you in?


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