Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ripples #751: Pressure!

Ripples #751: Pressure!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
14 Oct 2013

Pressure can burst a pipe or pressure can make a diamond.
-Robert Horry, shared by Leila in San Luis Obispo, CA

When we long for life without difficulties,
remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds
and diamonds are made under pressure.
-Peter Marshall, shared by Sevy in Albuquerque, NM
and Angela in Hollandale, WI

Growing up is a difficult enough task by itself, and it is made even more challenging because STUFF inevitably happens.  Stuff that is neither expected nor enjoyable:  promising opportunities fall apart, friends and family choose different directions than ours, and sometimes it gets even worse when people turn on us for following the path we feel is best for us at this time.

The bad news is that the list of STUFF goes on and on (and on);
the good news is that so does life!

Life isn't designed to be easy, of course.  If you're like me, you remember this on most days and are not surprised when an occasional setback throws a wrench into "the plan."  Of course, it becomes easier to lose our perspective when a few blechy things happen in a row, or a significantly unpleasant turn of events gets in the way of how you anticipated your day/week/life was supposed to unfold.

Remember that pressure can BUILD us up or MESS us up depending on how we respond; take a deep breath, holler for help when necessary, and go out there and make some diamonds this week!

Peace 2u!
The Ripples Guy

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