Monday, January 27, 2014

Ripples #766: Getting There.

Ripples #766: Getting There.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
27 Jan 2014

You get there by realizing
that you are there already.
-Eckhart Tolle, shared by Isaac in Sedona, AZ

We are all visitors
to this time, this place.
We are just passing through.
Our purpose here is to observe,
to learn, to grow, to love...
and then we return home.
-Aboriginal Proverb, shared by Pete in Ouray, CO

I just wrapped up a fun and frenetic of firing up folks in Maine & Wisconsin (cuz, well, you know, Ohio just wasn't cold enough).  You know that feeling when you love every minute of a travel adventure but you're still happy to be back in your home?  After inhaling all kinds of new possibilities, exhaling into the comfortable familiarity of your home base can be so sweet.

If you have lately been feeling far away from a feeling of calm in your life, perhaps you can get there by remembering that you know calm, you've been calm, and in fact calmness already exists in every cell of your body.  You can "return home" to calm any time you would like simply by taking a few deep breaths and finding the calm that rests in your soul.

The same is true of any other state that you've previously accessed yet currently feel disconnected from (joy, passion, abundance, peace, etc.), so I hope you create the time and space to "get there" this week.

P.S. One more week for iPhone users to download our nifty "39 Ripples" app at 99 cents:
(And let us know if you're an Android user--when we find enough Androiders who will commit to downloading, we'll Ripple one out to you!)

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