Monday, February 24, 2014

Ripples #770: Embracing Change.

Ripples #770: Embracing Change.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
24 Feb 2014

Cause Change & Lead.
Accept Change & Survive.
Resist Change & Die.
-Ray Norda, shared by Erica in Hyogo, Japan

In our lives,
change is unavoidable,
loss is unavoidable.
In the adaptability and ease
with which we experience change,
lies our happiness and freedom.
-Buddha, shared by Thomas in Fort Myers, FL

If you’re not changing, you’re not growing.  And if you’re not growing, you’re dying.  It is fairly common to resist change that is forced upon us: a new initiative at work, the changing landscape of our bodies as we age, a culture shift that you’re not feeling ready to embrace.  Sometimes we initially experience change as such a threat to “the way things used to be” that we can spend lots of extra time and energy fighting which can delay our adjustment to “the new way.”  Usually we end up accepting and adapting. . . and sometimes even embracing the transformation as an improvement or at least “the price of progress.”

If you or someone around you is struggling with change right now, there are two techniques I recommend to help ease the stress associated with change.  One strategy is to focus on any areas where you have options to choose from.  If you HAVE to do something, it can be helpful to identify some flexibility in WHEN or WHERE or HOW you do it to regain a sense of control.  The other tip involves viewing the change as a transition to a new level in work or life, and that perhaps a “graduation” or some other ceremony can help acknowledge the loss of the way things were AND welcome the new possibilities that arrive with change.

If those don’t sound appealing or don’t seem to work, occasionally we have to just suck it up and deal with it.  And if that helps you move forward then, hey, whatever it takes, right?  Hang in there, and keep growing!


P.S. Keeping your eye out for fresh and fabulous quotes helps keep the Ripples flowing! If you find a good one, include the source along with your first name and location. THANKS!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ripples #769: Living in Hope.

Ripples #769: Living in Hope.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
17 Feb 2014

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
-Nelson Mandela, shared by Julie in Amman, Jordan

The very least you can do in your life
is figure out what you hope for.
And the most you can do
is live inside that hope.
Not admire it from a distance,
but live right in it,
under its roof.
-Barbara Kingsolver, shared by Amy in Charlotte, NC

Whether you've just recently joined our happy team of Ripplers or you've been receiving these messages for years, you've likely figured out that sometimes we focus on savoring the good stuff, and other times it is all about enduring the not-so-good stuff.  Hope is one of the essential ingredients for making it through difficult periods in work, school, and life; I often say in presentations that WITH hope we can endure all kinds of extraordinary challenges, but WITHOUT hope even the smaller challenges can seem overwhelming.

If life is challenging right now, see if you can find even an eensy-weensy kernel of hope to hang on for just one more day.  If life is going pretty swell, look around for someone else who is struggling.  Your warm smile, kind word, or quick favor may be the kernel that they need to keep going.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Ripples #768: Perfecting Love!

Ripples #768: Perfecting Love!

For our tribe of busy people who believe in 
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
10 Feb 2014


Do not seek perfection in a changing world. 
Instead, perfect your love.
-Master Sengstan, shared by Rebecca in Chicago, IL


I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can [sometimes only] give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give. I am very happy to do that, I want to do that.
-Princess Diana, shared by Isaac in Sedona, AZ


Let's face it: some people love Valentine's Day, and some people don't.  

As someone who has been single much of my life, I can certainly relate to people who feel like this holiday exists merely to reinforce a message that a successful life requires being coupled (It doesn't, by the way. For reals.)  Other people see it as too commercialized for any glimmer of goodness to peek through.  To help make the second week of February more palatable for everyone, I've often used a "Ripples of Love" theme and expanded beyond romantic love to include family/friend love, self-love and even the more expansive loves of humanity, earth, spirit, etc.  

I hope you can PERFECT YOUR LOVE this week by recognizing, savoring, and expressing all the love that exists in your heart and in your life.

P.S.  Oh, and if you LOVE quotes, I have the V-Day gifts for you:
1.  Here is a list of quotes we've used in previous LOVE-themed Ripples:
2.  My buddy Marc and his team have unleashed iPhone and Android versions of our Quote Pond that rewards you for sharing inspiring quotes by unlocking more quotes! Discounted for just a few more days so download soon!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Ripples #767: See The Best.

Ripples #767:  See The Best.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
27 Jan 2014

A loving person lives in a loving world.
A hostile person lives in a hostile world;
everyone you meet is your mirror.
-Ken Keyes, Jr., shared by Heather in Anchorage, AK

If we see only the worst,
it destroys our capacity to do something.
If we remember those times and places—
-and there are so many—
-where people have behaved magnificently,
this gives us the energy to act,
and at least the possibility
of sending this spinning top of a world
in a different direction.
-Howard Zinn, shared by David in San Luis Obispo, CA

There are big heaps of good stuff in the world, along with plenty of poopiness as well.  It is important not to ignore the yucky stuff completely, as there are lessons to be learned and people to be cautious about.  Sometimes, though, we can get too focused on the difficulties.  That can harden our heart which then makes it more difficult to see any of the positive aspects of life...which then causes to lose hope and our heart further hardens.

If you need a lift this week, I dare you to practice focusing on the upbeat people and happy happenings and delightful other-things that you encounter.  It may not be possible (or prudent) to ONLY see the good stuff, but keeping your eyes open for sunshine will likely make your day brighter.  And that could make all the difference.
