Monday, May 26, 2014

Ripples #783: Being Brave!

Ripples #783: Being Brave!
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
19 May 2014

Courage, dear heart.
-C.S. Lewis, shared by Kathryn in Annapolis, MD

If you don't think
you know how to be brave,
look around;
you'll find someone who does know.
Follow him or her.
If you follow long enough,
you'll learn to have courage,
or the courage within you
will rise to the top.
When that happens, turn around,
and don't be surprised
if someone is following you.
-Joseph M. Marshall III, shared by Bobby in Woolwich Township, NJ

Being brave is *not* about being fearless. Fear is required to reveal courage.  If you're not standing knee deep in fear, the most you've got is strength. And strength will only get you started.  Being brave is about seeing, smelling and tasting the fear...and then saddling up anyway.

I hope you can dig deep and summon the courage to face a teensy or titanic fear and take some action despite your fears.  If you’ve already done that recently, take a moment to congratulate yourself, and possibly share your story in a humble way so that others can be inspired by your example.

p.s.  To my fellow U.S.ians, enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!  I firmly believe it is possible for Memorial Day be a joyous kickoff to the summer AND remain a useful reminder that our freedoms have been won with considerable courage and sacrifice.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Ripples #782: Making Doors!

Ripples #782:  Making Doors!
A splash of inspiration 
from The Ripples Guy
19 May 2014

The world has Amazing Things in store for you, so
hunt them with Resilience and Persistence.
-written & shared by Erin in Adelaide, South Australia

If I can't make it through one door, 
I'll go through another door-
-or I'll make a door. 
Something terrific will come 
no matter how dark the present.
-Rabindranath Tagore 

Last week we explored how to “hang in there” through tough times, and I thought we should follow up with something even stronger.  Sometimes, “just muddling through” is all we’ve got.  Remember, though, that you have previously survived some significant challenges and all of us—as in ALL OF US including YOU sometimes forget that we are made from tough stuff!  

This week could be a good time to move beyond the “muddling through” and instead hop up and either OPEN THE DOOR or CREATE THE DOOR that will help you conquer your challenges and unleash your next level of awesome.  

It’s true that you don’t always need to bring your best self to work/school/life; but it’s also true that your best self has a burst of energy and ideas and effort to improve just about any situation you’re in.

Are you ready?  Get ready.
Are you set? Get set.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Ripples #781: Treading Thru Life.

Ripples #781: Treading Thru Life.
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
12 May 2014

The “good life” begins when
you stop wanting a better one.
-Nkosiphambili E. Molapis, shared by Becca in Boston, MA

Promise me you will not spend
so much time treading water
and trying to keep your head above water
that you forget, truly forget,
how much you have always loved to swim.
-Tyler Knott Gregson, shared by Kathryn in Annapolis, MD

If your life is anything like mine, our best days are absolutely awesome, our worst days are excruciatingly awful and most of the other days are a muddy mix of the beauty and the blech.  I’ve found the trick is to savor the heck out of the awesome ones, hang on for dear life through the awful times, and use the rest of the days to be grateful they aren’t worse while anticipating the next grand upswing.

It doesn’t mean you’re required to paint a smile on your face (although I’ve found that even the fake ones can sometimes help you grit your teeth and catch your breath), nor does it mean that you are required to bring your best self to every moment of every day.  It *does* mean that hidden in almost every day, whether it be awesome or awful or meh, are minute opportunities to enjoy, endure, or at least extend your life.

Hang in there, mkay?


Monday, May 5, 2014

#780: The Business of Life!

Ripples #780: The Business of Life!
For our tribe of busy people who
unleash Ripples of compassion & kindness: uROCK!
4 May 2014

The business of life
is the acquisition of memories.
In the end that's all there is.
-Mr. Carson (Downton Abbey), shared by Jean in Salt Lake City, UT

It is essential
to our well-being
and to our lives
that we play
and enjoy life.
Every single day
do something that
makes your heart sing.
-Marcia Wieder, shared by Pete in San Luis Obispo, CA

While I savor a few days of hiking and relaxing in a magical hamlet in Central California called San Luis Obispo, I hope you can carve out some time in your hectic life for an activity that makes your heart sing.  Chatting with a friend, solo-time in nature or a coffee shop, or perhaps re-visiting a hobby that will revive fond memories.  Think about it, plan it, do it!

Oh, and over 200 of you shared some magnificent quotes so THANK YOU for refreshing the quote pond!  We’ll be creating memories for many years to come!
