Monday, May 26, 2014

Ripples #783: Being Brave!

Ripples #783: Being Brave!
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
19 May 2014

Courage, dear heart.
-C.S. Lewis, shared by Kathryn in Annapolis, MD

If you don't think
you know how to be brave,
look around;
you'll find someone who does know.
Follow him or her.
If you follow long enough,
you'll learn to have courage,
or the courage within you
will rise to the top.
When that happens, turn around,
and don't be surprised
if someone is following you.
-Joseph M. Marshall III, shared by Bobby in Woolwich Township, NJ

Being brave is *not* about being fearless. Fear is required to reveal courage.  If you're not standing knee deep in fear, the most you've got is strength. And strength will only get you started.  Being brave is about seeing, smelling and tasting the fear...and then saddling up anyway.

I hope you can dig deep and summon the courage to face a teensy or titanic fear and take some action despite your fears.  If you’ve already done that recently, take a moment to congratulate yourself, and possibly share your story in a humble way so that others can be inspired by your example.

p.s.  To my fellow U.S.ians, enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!  I firmly believe it is possible for Memorial Day be a joyous kickoff to the summer AND remain a useful reminder that our freedoms have been won with considerable courage and sacrifice.

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