Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ripples v8.34: Ripples of LISTENING!

Ripples v8.34: Ripples of LISTENING!
8/21/06: a FREE splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PEBBLES =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

Hearing is one of the body's five senses.
But listening is an art.
-Frank Tyger, submitted by Pat J., Waukesha WI

One of the most valuable things
we can do to heal one another
is listen to each other's stories.
-Courtney Campbell, submitted by Lauren M., McFarland WI

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= BOULDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o

Most people today just listen,
but don't deeply listen.

There are some people in the world
who are blessed to be exceptional listeners.

When someone deeply listens to us,
that enables us to deeply listen to ourselves.
-Rabbi Aryeh Ben David, submitted by Jennifer S.,

=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= PONDER =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

I wrapped up my August travels with visits to Central Michigan Universisty & UNC-Asheville (and HELLO to the big batch of Ripplers from both of these campuses, some of whom have been a part of The Ripples Project since day one!). My adventures as a leadership trainer have certainly allowed me to hone my performance skills over the years and many of you have witnessed how much I enjoy wandering around a classroom or stage telling stories and being goofy. One of the skills I didn't expect to pick up along the way is this week's theme: LISTENING.

The first step in designing a presentation for an audience is to listen to a client describe the event, the participants, and her or his hopes for the part I am helping with. Then I listen to what others are saying about the topics I have been asked to speak on (my peers, the media, etc.). The next step includes time to let this information simmer in my mind for a few weeks or months and listen carefully to what my own soul has to say. Even when I arrive on site to deliver the presentation, there is often still time to ask participant questions and listen to what is currently going on in their lives. Who knew that a career based on TALKING required so much LISTENING? I did not know this going in, but the more listening I do up front, the better my talking is in the end!

I hope you can take a moment to deepen your listening skills this week. I am confident it could help with school, work, and life in general!


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