Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ripples v9.21: Service!

Ripples v9.21: Service!
5/21/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

Image what a harmonious world it could be if every person,
both young and old, shared a little of what he or she was good at doing.
-Quincy Jones, submitted by Brandy T., Olympia WA

____________________BOULDER ____________________

I slept
and dreamt
that life was joy.

I awoke
and saw
that life was service.

I acted
and behold,
service was joy.
-Rabindranath Tagore, submitted by Marilyn L., Madison WI

____________________SPLASH ____________________

I suspect that our community of Ripplers is doing more than their share of service work, so if you are already over-involved with STUFF, please don't take this week's theme as another lecture to "do your part!"

Instead, I hope you can keep your eyes and ears open to just NOTICE what happens the next time you do something for someone else. The service could be something as simple as holding a door open or practicing extra loving kindness when the driver in front of you forgets to signal before turning. On the other hand, it might involve helping out at an fund raiser or following through on a commitment to take a "shift" at your favorite non-profit (stuffing envelopes, delivering meals, or just sitting with a client who wants company?). Whatever the task, I dare you to observe what you are THINKING and FEELING while you do it. You may find out that SERVICE to others also provides a remarkable service to yourself!


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