Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ripples v9.37: Hugs!

Ripples v9.37: Hugs!
9/10/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

I've learned that everyday you should reach out and touch someone.
People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.
-Maya Angelou, submitted by Kelley G., Chester IL

____________________BOULDER ____________________

Millions and millions of years
would still not give me half enough time
to describe that tiny instant of all eternity
when you put your arms around me
and I put my arms around you.
-Jacques Prevert

____________________PONDER ____________________

I mentioned last week that Monday, September 10 has been declared FREE HUGS DAY and is being celebrated on campuses and in communities around the world. FREE HUGS evolved from a single person who arrived home on a flight and watched as the other passengers were greeted with warm hugs from family and friends while there was no one to greet and hug him. This situation motivated him to create a large sign offering "FREE HUGS" and held it proudly above his head in a public place. The reactions varied from annoyance and suspicion to tears and laughter. Many hugs were given. I encourage you to view the origional YouTube video:

More info here:

HUGS are warm gestures filled with love and I hope you can share some today. If you are not a particularly touchy-feely person, perhaps you can take your handshake to the next level and make it a "hand hug" by grasping with both hands. Even some "handwritten hugs" could be an option--just a short personalized note to someone that needs to hear from you.

As for me, I will spend the day in San Luis Obispo pumping up the orientation leaders and new students at Cal Poly. I am therefore sending you FREE HUGS sprinkled with mountain strength, ocean serenity, and sunshiney smiles!


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