Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ripples v9.40: Enrich The World!

Ripples v9.40: Enrich The World!
10/1/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

NEVER make excuses for doing something you know is right.
-source unknown, submitted by Sarah W., NJ/PA

____________________BOULDER ____________________

You are here
to enable the world
to live more amply,
with greater vision,
and with a finer spirit
of hope and achievement.
You are here to enrich the world.
-Woodrow Wilson, submitted by Casey B.

____________________PONDER ____________________

On Saturday, I spent the day with a few hundred students from several Indiana universities who mentor other college students. Even though TIME is a most valuable and scarce commodity for students, they spend some of it helping others. They inspired me.

On the flight home, I was reading the latest issue of Newsweek which focused on "Global Giving" and mentioned an extremely successful fund raising effort to prevent Malaria in Africa. $10 buys a mosquito net, and gets it delivered and explained to a family in Africa. Ten bucks saves a life. That inspired me, too.

Take a deep breath, and read on.
I want The Ripples Project to buy 1,000 nets
and I will pay half.

If I can convince 1,000 people,
6% of our 16,000+ subscribers
to donate FIVE BUCKS,
I will match that so
$5 actually buys a $10 net.

Are you in?

Learn the details here:

One month: 10,000 nets.

P.S. The UN Foundation is coordinating, every nickel goes to Africa, and I'll post updates every week in October. Please take action!

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