Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ripples v9.41: Goodness And Grace!

Ripples v9.41: Goodness And Grace!
10/8/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

Don't let the good things of life rob you of the best things.
-Maltbie Babcock, submitted by Kelly F., Huntington Beach CA

____________________BOULDER ____________________

Life isn't
days and years.
It's what you do
with time
and with all the
goodness and grace
that's inside of you.
-source unknown, submitted by Kristin P., Cottage Grove WI

____________________PONDER ____________________

While I was busy last week in Lincoln, Nebraska hanging out with my NIRSA buddies at their Big 12/Region V & Friends Conference, members of The Ripples Project were busy responding to the "Nothing But Nets" challenge. I am so proud to share that we raised over 80% of our financial goal of $5,000 (which I will match) from over 250 members of The Ripples Project! It was exciting and humbling to see dozens and eventually hundreds of you taking 5 minutes from your crazy day to give 5 bucks (in in many cases much more!). I didn't expect so many to react so quickly, and I certainly didn't expect so many "THANKS"! Here are just three of the dozens of emails I received:

Karen from Cincinnati wrote that it "felt wonderful to be able to help out."
Lisa from Chicago said "Thank you for this opportunity to help others! It made my day."
Christopher from Detroit shared, "Thanks for inspiring me this morning!"

I'm sharing this partly to send a huge THANK YOU to all of you who helped out, and partly to remind others how GOOD it feels to spend 5 minutes giving 5 bucks! I know you're busy, and I know money may be tight. If you have already maxed out charitable giving or are not interested in this cause, no worries of course. It is still my hope that we can have 1,000 members donate by 10/31, so visit this page if you want to help:

And whether you are participating in this challenge or not, I hope that you do something fantastic this week to celebrate your GOODNESS and GRACE!


_________RIPPLY DETAILS___________


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