Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ripples v9.52: Joy To The World!

Ripples v9.52: Joy To The World!
12/24/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

To find those places inside ourselves and in the world, where we belong...this is joy!
-Oriah Mountain Dreamer, submitted by Linda F.

____________________BOULDERS ____________________

Risk-taking, trust, and serendipity are key ingredients of joy.
Without risk, nothing new ever happens.
Without trust, fear creeps in.
Without serendipity, there are no surprises.
-Rita Golden Gelman, submitted by Crystal, C., Flint MI

I do it for the joy it brings
'Cause I'm a joyful girl.
Because the world owes me nothing.
We owe each other the world.
-Ani Difranco, submitted by Karen L., Cincinnati OH

____________________PONDER ____________________

Whatever you are celebrating,
However you are celebrating,
With whomever you are celebrating,

I hope this holiday ripple finds you filled with JOY!


Ripples v9.51: NO!

Ripples v9.51: NO!
12/17/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

When I say NO to someone else I say "yes" to myself.
-source unknown, submitted by Dottie J., Cincinnati OH

____________________BOULDER ____________________

You have to decide
what your highest priorities are
and have the courage-
-pleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically-
-to say NO to other things.
And the way you do that
is by having a bigger "yes" burning inside.
-Stephen R. Covey, submitted by Yani D., Salem OR

____________________PONDER ____________________

Last week we explored the awesome power of YES, so this week I want to balance that with the tremendous potential of NO!

Some of us are so incredibly good at finding a "yes" for things, that we forget the limitations that help define our humanity: you and I have a finite amount of time, energy and passion to share with the world and we have an obligation to the people and projects in our life to consider this limitation each time we are presented with a request to share our resources.

Remember that each time you say YES to someone or something, you won't be able to spend that time and energy with someone or something else-- so you will be saying NO to someone too! Instead of being frustrated by these limitations, I invite you to celebrate the opportunity to set some priorities and make sure you are spending time on the people and projects you value most.

If you need more help saying no, I compiled some information and links on this page:

P.S. Remember that I am still in the mountains with almost no access to email!

Ripples v9.50: YES!

Ripples v9.50: YES!
12/10/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

To say YES you have to sweat and roll up your sleeves
and plunge both hands into life up to the elbows..
-Jean Anouilh, submitted by Linn W., Milwaukee WI

____________________BOULDER ____________________

Making YES your inner mantra
allows you to extend YES outside of yourself
and attract more of YES
into your own personal intending.

YES is the breath of creation. . . .
As you merge with the
universal force of Creation
extending YES wherever feasible,
you become that force of Creation itself.
-Dr. Wayne Dyer, submitted by Catharine S., Greensboro NC

____________________PONDER ____________________

You may have noticed recently there is a possibility that is quietly whispering to you....

Perhaps you met a new person and wondered what potential might exist if you developed a connection; or maybe a book or class or idea mentioned recently by a co-worker, classmate, or friend is creating a sense of curiosity. It could even be an unfinished project or a forgotten goal you set for yourself a long time ago that recently began gently teasing you about the transformation that could be unleashed with some renewed attention.

Whatever, or whomever, it is, I hope you will listen very carefully to the possibility and see if somewhere in your soul or your heart or your mind there lies a YES waiting to spring to life!


P.S. Remember that I am on retreat in the mountains and may not be able to reply to individual emails until 2008!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ripples v9.49: Being Alone!

Ripples v9.49: Being Alone!
12/03/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

There is a quality to being alone that is incredibly precious.
Life rushes back to the void, richer, more vivid, fuller than before.
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh, submitted by Lin H., Bloomington IL

____________________BOULDER ____________________

Every now and then
go away,
have a little relaxation.
For when you come back
to your work,
your judgment
will be surer.
-Leonardo Da Vinci, submitted by Lin H., Bloomington IL

____________________PONDER ____________________

By the time you read this email, I will have wrapped up my final presentation of the year, packed up my ripply Prius, and disappeared into the Colorado Rockies for my annual retreat. I found some extra time and energy (and love!) over the past few weeks to build up a full slate of Ripples issues for December. While Grendel and I meander through the mountains to hike and eat and relax and daydream, you will continue to receive a quick splash on Mondays.

Back to our theme this week of BEING ALONE. I dare you to carve out some time to be alone this week. A walk in the woods, an afternoon in the library, or even a quick five minutes with your door closed and your favorite song pumping through your earphones can go a long way in helping you restore your soul.

Enjoy every moment you are alone and enjoy every moment you are not alone.
I will look forward to connecting with you again in 2008.


Ripples v9.48: Worth It!

Ripples v9.48: Worth It!
11/26/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times,
it's the only time we've got.
-Art Buchwald, submitted by Tracy D., Billings MT

____________________BOULDER ____________________

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets
So love the people who treat you right,
forget the ones who don't,
and believe that everything
happens for a reason.
If you get a change, take it;
If it changes your life, let it,
Nobody said it would be easy,
They just said it would be worth it.
-source unknown, submitted by Zoe C, Minnesota

____________________PONDER ____________________

Stuff happens. Sometimes the stuff that happens is GOOD and sometimes the stuff that happens is BAD. I wish that life seemed fair and that only good things would happen to good people and bad things would only happen to bad people. But wait a minute...I know how much I have learned from the bad stuff I have experienced in life. I would not wish my bad stuff on anyone else, but I also would not trade in the compassion and wisdom that grew out of facing adversity. I am who I am, partly because of many blessings I have received and partly because of the yucky stuff.

Maybe you could spend a few minutes this week making a list of the positive events and people that helped to create your "best of times" so that the next time you are going through the "worst of times" you can review your list and recall many good reasons to hang in there.

Remember, you are WORTH IT!


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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ripples v9.47: Gratitude!

Ripples v9.47: Gratitude!
11/19/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

To live gratitude is to touch heaven.
-Johannes A. Gaertner, submitted by Nicole W., San Luis Obispo CA

____________________BOULDER ____________________

It is necessary, then,
to cultivate the habit of being grateful
for every good thing that comes to you,
and to give thanks continuously.
And because all things
have contributed to your advancement,
you should include all things in your gratitude.
-Wallace D. Wattles, submitted by Cindy K., Green Bay WI

____________________PONDER ____________________

As those of us in the U.S. gather with family or friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope all of us can take a moment to ponder the things, events, and people we are grateful for. The efforts becomes even more worthwhile when you can remember to appreciate the objects, savor the memories, and tell those precious souls how much we value their presence in our lives.

If you need an extra boost of GRATITUDE for yourself or others, remember that our searchable archives include a Thanksgiving-themed issue for each of the previous 8 years of Ripples:


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ripples v9.46: Faith!

Ripples v9.46: Faith!
11/12/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

Faith and doubt both are needed, not as antagonists,
but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve.
-Lillian Smith, submitted by Judy A., Carbondale IL

____________________BOULDER ____________________

At the end of the day faith is a funny thing.
It turns up when you don't really expect it.
It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale
may be slightly different than you dreamed.
The castle, well, it may not be a castle.
And it's not so important happy ever after,
just that it's happy right now.
See, once in a while, once in a blue moon,
people will surprise you,
and once in a while people may even take your breath away.
-TV Show "Greys Anatomy", submitted by Megan W, Philadelphia PA

____________________PONDER ____________________

The word FAITH means different things to different people. It can be used to describe religious beliefs; it is also used to suggest confidence in or loyalty to someone/something.

FAITH is an important part of character--I think we need to believe in something larger than ourselves in order to be effective in our work and in our lives. Sometimes it seems we assume that everyone must believe in the same things in order to get along or work together, and that successful people must be able to maintain their faith despite difficult challenges. Successful teams need to be filled with people who hold a variety of beliefs, and each of those individuals (even the leaders!), will occasionally experience uncertainty. Diversity and doubt are both ultimately necessary to maintain and grow our faith, just as shades of gray and complete darkness help us to understand and appreciate the light.

What or who do you have FAITH in right now? If you have been doubting someone or something, spend some time reflecting on how you might be able to strengthen your belief or whether it might be time to adjust your compass and therefore alter your guiding beliefs: that is not necessarily a sign of weakness, and it could even be a sign of strength!

I can tell you one thing I have lots of FAITH in: the extraordinary power of RIPPLES and the 17,000+ members who spend 60 seconds each Monday morning spreading the Ripply faith! I count on you!

P.S. PAUL DISAPPEARS into the Colorado Rockies in December so be sure to touch base soon if you need anything!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ripples v9.45: Completely You!

Ripples v9.45: Completely You!
11/5/07: a free weekly splash from Paul & The Ripples Project

____________________PEBBLE ____________________

There is always a certain peace in being what one is, in being that completely.
-Ugo Betti, submitted by Terry H., Franklin WI

____________________BOULDER ____________________

All of my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted the answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self contradictory. I was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself.
-Ralph Ellison, submitted by Kristen C., Loretto PA

____________________PONDER ____________________

Longer Boulder this week means shorter ponder: go out into the world and be COMPLETELY YOU! Magnificently, fabulously, interestingly, wholly you. The world needs you. That's all, so GO!

p.s. We have announcements: NOTHING BUT NETS October Campaign results, a ripply-ish meeting in Minneapolis, and info about my upcoming disappearance. Click Here: