Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ripples v11.16: Moxie!

Ripples v11.16: Moxie!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,231
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
1999-2009: 10 years of Ripples!

The soul should always stand ajar,
ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.
-Emily Dickinson, submitted by Judy A., Carbondale IL

MOXIE: It's a street-smart spirit
that's as old as recorded history,
and as new as the riding sun.
David had it; Goliath didn't.
It's that intangible tangible.
You don't learn it in school and you can't get it from a book.
It can jump oceans and move mountains.
It says, "Make your life what it can be.
Take your life wherever it can go."
-Kobi Yamada, submitted by Mia C., Greensboro NC

I've packed up some moxie and I'm ready for an ecstatic experience on the uROCK! Roadtrip! I've loaded my camera and some paper & markers into my smile-covered Prius so I can raise a few hundred SMILES to match all the MILES I'll drive in the next few weeks. If you're in Indianapolis or Bloomington, Indiana OR Cincinnati, Ohio, I'll hopefully see you at a Ripples MeetUp this week!

I'd love it if you kept up with the journey here: (and you can always submit a photo of your smiling face holding an encouraging sign...I'll post it with the others!). I'll be giving short updates via Twitter and my Facebook Status. I'll strive to do blog entries every few days; mostly I'll carry the spirit of Ripples with me everywhere I go and try very hard to stay present and savor every moment of my journey!

In the meantime, I hope YOU can add some MOXIE to your life this week!


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