Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ripples #569: A Better World!

Ripples #569: A Better World!
Monday, Apr 19, 2010
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 25,320
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities

The starting point for a better world is the belief that it is possible.
-Norman Cousins, submitted by Terry L., from Franklin WI
It is not for me
to seek evidence
that confirms the world that is,
but to create evidence
of the world to be.
-written and submitted by John Brown, founder of
Once you believe in the possibilities of a better world, you gotta get out
there and create it. If you want more peace, go make peace with someone
today. If you want more safety, do what you can to create safety (drive
slower, reduce multitasking, etc.). If you want more joy, pause right this
instant and after a deep cleansing breath think of 3 awesome things in your
life right now. Start small, start soon, start NOW!


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