Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ripples #618.5: The First.

Ripples #618.5: The Truth.
For our tribe of some people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Apr 1, 2011

This is the first.
-Yu No

Sometimes The First
is the winner, the best.
Or not.
-Chuck Hulls

Do you know what The First is?
Do you know when The First is?
If not, I bet you are pretty confused right now.
Why is this happening?
Because this is The First.

p.s. Happy April 1st. Learn more here:'_Day

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ripples #618: Today's Peace!

Ripples #618: Today's Peace!
For our tribe of 27,484 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Mar 28, 2011

Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles;
it takes away today's peace.
-source unknown, submitted by Angela, Mississauga, Ontario (Canada)

Finish each day and be done with it before you begin the next. Interpose a
solid wall of sleep between the two. You have done what you could. Some
blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely....
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, submitted by Jackie, DeKalb IL

Some of you know about the abbreviation I use to help me avoid the pitfalls
of ruining today's peace: L.I.G. When I make a mistake, I strive to
correct it and then LET IT GO so I can move on to the next thing. If some
grumpy soul interrupts my glorious afternoon, I roll my eyes, brainstorm an
illusion about why s/he was so rude (just got fired, lost the car keys,
received bad news) and then I LET IT GO.

Sometimes I forget, and end up needlessly infecting my life with undo
amounts of yuckiness. A little bit of "nervous anticipation" about possible
negative outcomes is part of life; we just need to be intentional about how
much we WORRY and how much we ENJOY TODAY.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ripples #617: Spring Thaw!

Ripples #617: Spring Thaw!
For our tribe of 27,335 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Mar 21, 2011

Spring is when you feel like whistling
even with a shoe full of slush.
-Doug Larson

If there comes a little thaw,
Still the air is chill and raw,
Here and there a patch of snow,
Dirtier than the ground below,
Dribbles down a marshy flood;
Ankle-deep you stick in mud
In the meadows while you sing,
"This is Spring."
-Christopher Pearce Cranch, A Spring Growl

Happy spring to you. As the snow melts and the ground thaws, Mother Nature
is preparing to dazzle us with green grass, blue skies, and oh yes the
myriad hues of flowers. It also means we'll need to put up with some
blustery, rainy days (like the one we're experiencing here in Madison as I
write this).

I hope you get to experience some hopeful sign of spring this week, and I
hope you find the patience to endure some of the inevitable messiness that
comes along with transitions.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ripples #616: Determination!

Ripples #616: Determination!
For our tribe of 27,328 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Mar 14, 2011

You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go
to bed with satisfaction.
-George Lorimer, submitted by Stephanie, DeForest WI

Some succeed because
they are destined to,
but most succeed because
they are determined to.
-source unknown, submitted by Kim, Oconomowoc WI

People rarely stumble upon great achievements, and they almost never
accomplish big things without encountering some obstacles. It's all about
creating a vision of success, then staying fired up long enough to endure
the inevitable stumbling blocks.

Whether you have to push through or find a path around the difficulties, I
hope you can take two scoops of determination so you can make it to the
finish line.

You go, my friend, YOU GO!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ripples #615: Show Yourself!

Ripples #615: Show Yourself!
For our tribe of 27,310 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Mar 7, 2011

Make visible what, without you,
might perhaps have never been seen.
-Robert Bresson

When you allow your best self
to shine through
and have the courage to believe
in unlimited possibilities,
you will discover
how wonderfully magnificent
you truly are!
-written & submitted by Elizabeth Hyland

It may be time to take a deep breath and remind yourself that you really
are, as Ms. Hyland states above, Magnificent. And being Magnificent means
that you cannot simply shirk in the shadows, nor can you collapse into a
heap because you feel overwhelmed or defeated by the (real) challenges life
is presenting to you lately.

Your colleagues, your neighbors, your community, and indeed everyone in the
entire world desperately needs you to release your Magnificence this week.
So take one more moment to catch your breath and then hop up, dust yourself
off, and then give us your absolute best self. Please, and thank you.
