Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ripples #616: Determination!

Ripples #616: Determination!
For our tribe of 27,328 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
Mar 14, 2011

You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go
to bed with satisfaction.
-George Lorimer, submitted by Stephanie, DeForest WI

Some succeed because
they are destined to,
but most succeed because
they are determined to.
-source unknown, submitted by Kim, Oconomowoc WI

People rarely stumble upon great achievements, and they almost never
accomplish big things without encountering some obstacles. It's all about
creating a vision of success, then staying fired up long enough to endure
the inevitable stumbling blocks.

Whether you have to push through or find a path around the difficulties, I
hope you can take two scoops of determination so you can make it to the
finish line.

You go, my friend, YOU GO!


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