Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ripples #627: Have Fun!

Ripples #627: Have Fun!
For our tribe of 27,790 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 30, 2011

Have fun doing the boring stuff so
you won't get bored doing the fun stuff.
-written and submitted by Sterling, Waukesha WI

Fun is not defined as
the absence of challenging circumstances,
but as the absence of anger about them.
-Neale Donald Walsch

Here in the U.S. our summer season kicks off with Memorial Day weekend, a
holiday to commemorate those who gave their lives while serving our country
in the military.

Carve out at least a few minutes to acknowledge them, and then dive into a
weekend and indeed a whole summer full of FUN!

p.s. Does anyone read this if I send it out on a holiday?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ripples #626: Kind Deposits.

Ripples #626: Kind Deposits.
For our tribe of 27,826 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 23, 2011

Wherever there is a human being,
there is an opportunity for kindness.
-Seneca, submitted by Deb, Cleveland OH

When we feel love and kindness toward others,
it not only makes others feel loved and cared for,
but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.
-His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama

I had a busy and engaging week: first stop was Wisconsin's Fox Valley to
share some thoughts on "Reaching Out, Lifting Up: Connecting with Youth in
Crisis." (We captured some video of the talk and I hope to share a few
clips with you this summer!) Then I made a quick trip to Colorado where I
spent a day at Metro State College of Denver.

In both of my talks, we explored the value of making "deposits" in
relationships. Our connections with others are defined more by the smaller,
daily interactions, and less by the "big stuff." I'm hoping you can seek
some "opportunities for kindness" this week with friends, co-workers, and
strangers. Not to change the world (it could) nor to make someone else's day
(it might), but because kindness feels good to the giver! Kindness provides
a feeling of tranquility that transcends the difficulties in our lives and
reminds us once again that there is, in fact, as much good in the world as
there is in our hearts.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ripples #625: Possibly!

Ripples #625: Possibly!
For our tribe of 27,762 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 16, 2011

When you have exhausted all possibilities,
remember this: you haven't.
-Thomas Edison

Become a possibilitarian.
No matter how dark things
seem to be or actually are,
raise your sights
and see possibilities-
-always see them,
for they're always there.
-Norman Vincent Peale

Could things be better for you right now? Possibly.
Would it be easier if you could click your heels and end up right where you
want? Possibly.
Could every challenge you're facing right now help you become an even
stronger, more effective human being? Possibly.
Are there even more magnificent possibilities waiting out there just for
you? For. Sure.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ripples #624: Go Get It!

Ripples #624: Go Get It!
For our tribe of 27,735 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 9, 2011

Action is the antidote to despair.
-Joan Baez, submitted by Tami, Arizona

Everything you want is out there
waiting for you to ask.
Everything you want also wants you.
But you have to take action to get it.
-Jules Renard, submitted by Taylor, Wauwatosa WI

Lots of ripplers are graduating: some from high school, others from
college, and still others are moving on in other ways: new jobs, weddings,

No doubt about it: times are tough and some of you are beginning new
chapters with more fear and frustration than you want. I wish I could wave
a wand and make it better, but unfortunately I don't have a wand (note to
self: purchase wand).

Instead, I'm going to remind you that some times we are waiting around
until we feel better so we can take action when what we COULD do is jump in
and take action so we feel better. I cannot guarantee you will succeed at
everything you attempt this week, but I am confident that you will move
forward even if you don't make it to the finish line.

On your mark get set, GO GET IT!

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ripples #623: Tackling Troubles!

Ripples #623: Tackling Troubles!
For our tribe of 27,739 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 2, 2011

It's not what keeps you up at night,
but rather what you do about it.
-written & submitted by Faith Fuqua-Purvis, Michigan

I've heard there are troubles
of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead
and some from behind.
But I've bought a big bat.
I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going
to have troubles with me.
-Dr. Suess, submitted by Montanna from Wisconsin (!)

May is here.

How the heck did THAT happen? I dunno, but time keeps flying by and as
some of our ripplers get ready to wrap up the academic year, I think ALL of
us are thinking about the fast approaching summer. Spring cleaning is
probably talked about more than it is done, but let's all agree to tackle
some troubles this week to make room in our lives for something more fun
this summer!

Whether it is some chores, or a difficult conversation, or a project with a
looming deadline, I'm sure you'll feel better if you get them out of the
way. Commit a few minutes to GET STARTED and soon it will be easier to keep
going than it is to stop. And before you know it, we'll be waving goodbye
to those troubles and get ready for the good stuff!
