Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ripples #627: Have Fun!

Ripples #627: Have Fun!
For our tribe of 27,790 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 30, 2011

Have fun doing the boring stuff so
you won't get bored doing the fun stuff.
-written and submitted by Sterling, Waukesha WI

Fun is not defined as
the absence of challenging circumstances,
but as the absence of anger about them.
-Neale Donald Walsch

Here in the U.S. our summer season kicks off with Memorial Day weekend, a
holiday to commemorate those who gave their lives while serving our country
in the military.

Carve out at least a few minutes to acknowledge them, and then dive into a
weekend and indeed a whole summer full of FUN!

p.s. Does anyone read this if I send it out on a holiday?

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