Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ripples #668: Make Mistakes.

Ripples #668: Make Mistakes.
For our tribe of 30,211 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back.
-Yogi Berra, submitted by Amanda in Two Rivers, WI

You have to make mistakes
to find out who you aren't.
You take the action,
and the insight follows:
You don't think your way
into becoming yourself.
-Anne Lamott, submitted by Brett in Madison, WI

It takes a bit of courage to forgive yourself when you make a mistake. Sometimes it is even braver to go forth *knowing* you are going to get some things wrong. In the laboratory of life, the art of intentionally making mistakes allows you to quickly learn how NOT to do something. That moves you closer to knowing how you CAN do it. Wisdom grows from errors. Of course there are some things you cannot afford to get wrong, so don't carelessly plow into a final exam or the most important meeting of the year! Assess the situation, and seek opportunities to make some mistakes that will help you grow into the person you want to be.

p.s. Welcome to our new peeps from Metro State College of Denver and Edmonds Community College. Thanks for letting me hang out with you all!

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