Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ripples #670: The Happiness Mindset.

Ripples #670: The Happiness Mindset.
For our tribe of 30,375 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Happiness is a mindset for your journey,
not the result of your destination.
-submitted by Swati from CA, inspired by Shawn Achor's TED talk

We tend to forget that happiness
doesn't come as a result of getting
something we don't have,
but rather of recognizing
and appreciating
what we do have.
-Frederick Keonig, submitted by Nick in New Jersey & Mary in Arizona

Despite what you might think, happiness is not simply a personality trait that you're either born with or "oh well." Nor is it an elusive goal only achieved if you unlock a secret door or discover the hidden treasure. Research over the past 40 years suggests that while some people seem to have a higher "happiness set point," the concept of happiness is more accurately viewed as a SKILL that we can improve with training. We can "practice" happy by helping others, expressing gratitude, finding fresh ways to exercise, etc. I picked up these tidbits from a fantastic documentary called, simply enough, "Happy." It is a fast-paced 75-minute film that is definitely worth a peek.

Happiness isn't about painting a smile on your face and gritting your teeth through the inevitable difficulties that life hands us. Instead, it is about getting to know ourselves better and finding the courage to see if changing how we look at the world might actually change the world.

If you can easily identify a few people or activities in your life that consistently make you happy, be sure to enjoy them this week. If you'd like to be happier next week than you are today, I dare you to experiment: try a new food, strike up a conversation with a potential new friend, or find a new route to arrive at your usual destination.

It also helps to follow the advice that Bobby McFerrin planted in some of our heads a few decades ago: Don't worry, be happy!


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