Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ripples #729: Jumping!

Ripples #729: Jumping!
For our tribe of 30,433 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.
May 13, 2013

A comfort zone is a beautiful place,
but nothing ever grows there.
-S.L. Todd, shared by Jenn at University of Nebraska

If following your heart's desire seems crazy
but not following it is becoming more and more difficult
with every passing week or month or year,
your choices come down to taking a leap of faith
or living with the regret of never having tried.
Wouldn't you rather jump?
-Martha Beck, shared by Nick in New Jersey

A year ago I pulled up my life by the roots, shook off the dirt and transplanted myself to Ohio. I wasn't 100% sure why it felt like the right adventure, and I wasn't 100% confident I would stay very long. Within just a few months of arriving, however, a number of new and deepened connections confirmed that following my heart's desire was a worthy pursuit. This weekend I made it official and moved into a more permanent residence.

While I am getting settled in my new digs, I invite you to listen carefully within and see if there are whispers of your own that could reveal your next adventure. Happy jumping!

Peace to you!
The Ripples Guy

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