Monday, June 23, 2014

Ripples #787: Being Alive!

Ripples #787: Being Alive!
A splash of inspiration
from The Ripples Guy
23 June 2014

I don't believe people are looking
for the meaning of life
as much as they are looking
for the experience of being alive.
-Joseph Campbell

Lean forward into your life...
catch the best bits
and the finest wind.
Just tip your feathers
in flight a wee bit
and see how dramatically
that small lean
can change your life.
-Mary Anne Radmacher, shared by Stephanie in Tampa, FL

The last few days of speaking before my summer retreat began have been crazy AND I loved every minute of hanging out with the folks at Covance, and Promega, and Organic Valley (welcome to a few hundred new ripplers!!).  In several of the presentations I showed a video about AWE that really had me thinking about how and when I most passionately experience BEING ALIVE.  It happens when I’m doing good work; it happens when I’m hanging with people who are capable of meeting me right where I am AND inviting me to grow into the newest version of my best self; and finally, it sometimes happens when I create the space and time to be alone to rest my mind and renew my spirit.

I invite you to make time for this video RIGHT NOW, and be really curious about how you can increase your awareness and enjoyment of BEING ALIVE.  At work or at home, with people or alone, just make sure your experiment allows you to experience what Jason Silva describes in the video as “the hardly bearable ecstasy of direct energy exploding on your nerve endings.”  I know, right?  Just try it for me.  And for you. :)


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