Monday, February 8, 1999

Ripples v1.04

Ripples, version 1.04 [February 8, 1999]
An electronic postcard from Stone Soup Seminars
Current Number of Subscribers: 220

A PEBBLE ###########################

Learn to relax. Your body is precious, as it houses your mind and spirit.
Inner peace begins with a relaxed body.
Original Source: Norman Vincent Peale
Submitted by Cindy Bartz, Oil Equipment Company

REFLECTIONS ##########################
[shared from subscribers]

When you catch the little things
But overlook the big mistakes,
When everything takes longer
Than what it usually takes,
When nothing goes according to
The best-laid plans you make,
Just remember no one's perfect-
So give yourself a break.

When the stress of your success
Makes your head and stomach ache,
When everything you touch falls though,
Fouls up, goes bad, or breaks,
Please remember that you're human
For your sanity's sake,
And relax---nobody's perfect,
So give yourself a break.
Submitted by Louis Maccarone II, University of Rhode Island,
Original Source: Jill Wolf

[note from Louis: Paul, my mother gave me this little poem on a bookmark
when I was very young after my father passed away. I was an over achieving
little boy; when I did not perform well on whatever task I was given I
would become vary angry with myself to the point of temper tantrums. This
poem has been a calming influence in my life for over half of my life, and
I hope that you share it with all of the Ripples subscribers. Thank you]

RECOMMENDATION #########################
[explore these resources]

Jason Punzel, who works at Action Mortgage in Lake Mills, Wisconsin treated
me to a fabulous lunch in Cambridge last week. He also treated me to a
great book suggestion: "Your Sacred Self: Making the Decision to be Free"
by Wayne Dyer. I am just getting into the meat of the book and already it
is simultaneously stirring up my mind and calming my soul.

SNIPPET ##################################
[from a recent Stone Soup Seminar]

YOU DECIDE. On Saturday, I presented two similar workshops: one to a
group of Girl Scout volunteers and another at a leadership conference for
Pharmacy students. I was reminded that no matter how different our lives
may be, we often face the same challenges. The perspectives and life
experiences of the two groups were divergent, but their reaction to the
concept of TAKING CARE OF YOU was identical: "I KNOW it, I just don't DO
it!" It is easy to slip into the mode of giving to others and putting
ourselves last. When you take care of YOU first, you prevent BURNOUT
which translates into no help for anyone!

ACTION: Stop right now, and do something nice for you. Massage your face,
buy a pop, call a friend, or just think about some happy memory for 60
seconds.............Okay, back to life!

Copyright 1999 Stone Soup Seminars

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