Monday, February 15, 1999

Ripples v1.05

Ripples, version 1.05 [2/15/99]
An electronic postcard from Stone Soup Seminars
Current Number of Subscribers: 298

This issue celebrates Valentine's Day with LOVE.

A PEBBLE ###########################

We all become more beautiful when we are loved,
and if you have self-love
then you are always beautiful.
Original Source: Alice Walker

REFLECTIONS ##########################

Love Quiz

1. Is anyone a little happier because we came along today?
2. Did we leave someone with any concrete evidence of our kindness, any
sign of our love?
3. Did we try to think of someone in a more positive light?
4. Did we help someone to feel joy?
5. Did we make someone laugh, or at least smile?
6. Have we attempted to remove a little of the rust that is corroding our
7. Have we gone through the day without fretting over what we don't have
and celebrating the things we do have?
8. Have we forgiven others for being less than perfect?
9. Have we forgiven ourselves?
10. Have we learned something new about life, living or love?
Submitted by: secret admirer of all Ripples subscribers
Original Source: Leo Buscaglia

SNIPPET ##################################

It is hard for me to believe that 13 years have passed since my friend
Steve took his life during our senior year in high school. Last fall I
visited a quiet spot in my hometown where Steve often slipped away to
contemplate life. His mother had placed a plaque there and I offer its
inscription to you this week with my love:

Come to this special place
In the crisp morn, in the full midday, in the deepening eve;
Rest here to contemplate your world and the universe around you.
Look inward with love and know your own goodness and wisdom.
Look outward with love, and share it with the world.
We need you.
[This plaque celebrates Steven C. Wikel, 10/23/66 - 2/12/85, who touched
more hearts in life than he believed.]

Copyright 1999 Stone Soup Seminars

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