Monday, August 24, 2009

Ripples v11.33: Extraordinary!

Ripples v11.33: Extraordinary!
The Ripples Project is a tribe of 22,832
who believe tiny actions create big possibilities
Monday, August 24, 2009

We all have the extraordinary coded within us,
waiting to be released.
-Jean Houston, submitted by Mia Su C., Greensboro NC

We must overcome the notion
that we must be regular...
it robs you of the chance
to be extraordinary
and leads you to
the mediocre.
-Uta Hagen, submitted by Peter F., Tyler TX

You have a choice to make rignt here, right now. You can choose to move through your day and your week and your life making the good and right and smart decisions.

Or you can pause for a moment and remember that YOU are EXTRAORDINARY, and this MOMENT also happens to be an EXTRAORDINARY opportunity to ensure that your day and your week and your life are sooooo much more than ordinary since you value them as precious gifts. The good, right and smart decisions will necessarily become EXTRAORDINARY decisions.

Which shall it be, my friend? Which shall it be?


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