Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ripples #707: Collide With Life!

Ripples #707: Collide With Life!
For our tribe of 31,716 busy people who share encouragement and gratitude.

Let fate do its job and make time to collide with real life.
-written/submitted by Ryan Kacvinsky in La Crosse, WI

Live life fully while you're here.
Experience everything.
Take care of yourself and your friends.
Have fun, be crazy, be weird.
Go out and screw up!
You're going to anyway,
so you might as well enjoy the process.
Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes:
find the cause of your problem and eliminate it.
Don't try to be perfect;
just be an excellent example of being human.
-Anthony Robbins, submitted by Paul from North Weymouth, MA

If something or someone has especially excited, delighted, frustrated or scared you this week, it could be a sign that life is inviting you to shake it up a bit. It you're experiencing it as something good, I dare you to increase its impact by savoring the opportunity to, as my awesome buddy Ryan phrased it so eloquently, COLLIDE WITH LIFE. On the other hand, if you're annoyed with the situation: you might want to take a deep breath and consider changing your perspective so that you can recognize (or create) a growth opportunity. Perhaps this is a chance to speak up for yourself OR learn to accept that some things are beyond your control OR maybe it is time to embrace your imperfect, crazy life and see if you can smile/sigh your way to sanity? Decide, then collide!


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