Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ripples #762: Improving The World!

Ripples #762:  Improving The World!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
30 Dec 2013

The most profound choice in life
is to either accept things as they exist
or to accept the responsibility for changing them.
-from The Universal Traveler by Don Koberg and Jim Bagnall, shared by Isaac in Sedona, AZ

Don't spend your precious time asking
"Why isn't the world a better place?"
It will only be time wasted.
The question to ask is
"How can I make it better?"
To that there is an answer.
-Leo Buscaglia, submitted by Pete in Ouray, CO

As we take our last few breaths of the past year and get ready to plunge into the new one, I'm curious about what possibilities exist for you in 2014.  Even if you're not someone who regularly sets resolutions, perhaps you can ponder what actions you could take that would improve your life and/or the world.

Just imagine if all 30,000 of us followed through on a few specific, concrete actions.  More than a ripple....we'd create a big fat wave of Improving The World!

Let's do this, 2014.  LET'S DO THIS!


Monday, December 23, 2013

Ripples #761: Gifts from Within!

Ripples #761:  Gifts from Within!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
23 Dec 2013

Anything that has real and lasting value
is always a gift from within.
-Franz Kafka, shared by Josh in Sheboygan, WI

A thousand candles
can be lit from a single candle
and the life of the candle
will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases
by being shared.
-Buddha, shared by Angela in Madison, WI

As many of our Ripplers gather with family and friends to exchange gifts and enjoy each other's company, I want to gently remind us all that in addition to joy and merriment, for some this can be a time of sadness or frustration.

If you or those around you sometimes create unrealistically high expectations, taking a few deep breaths and going with whatever is happening might be a wonderful gift to yourself and those you spend time with this week.

If you don't particularly enjoy this time of year for whatever reason, perhaps you can acknowledge that for other people it IS an important time of year but not one that needs to be a big deal for you.  Treat yourself to some quiet time, diving into a book or a movie or a bath or whatever.  Gifts to yourself can help you bring your best self to others, and giving to others can infuse a feeling of generosity within that feels as warm as a toasty fire on a cold winter's day.

Happy Christmas and/or
Seasons Greetings and/or
Merry End of 2013!

P.S.  Here is my Holiday Greeting to you:

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ripples #760: Falling Into Fabulous!

Ripples #760:  Falling Into Fabulous!
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
16 Dec 2013

The bad news is you are falling through the air;
nothing to hang on to, no parachute.
The good news is there is no ground.
-Chogyam Trungpa, shared by Ryan in La Crosse, WI

Today I learned in class that
if light and sound did not travel as waves,
we would not be able to perceive them;
no grandeur color or sounds of nature.
If you were to view this
as a metaphor of your own life,
you might recognize that life's ups and downs
are just the natural price we pay
for the experience of each breath.
-written and shared by Zach Koop in La Crosse, WI

Life is *not* always easy.  At various times there might be really frustrating stuff happening with work, school, relationships, chores, and other aspects of life.  I never want to be that shmarmy dude on stage (or in these Ripples posts) with a plastic smile suggesting that all you have to do is "think positive" or "follow my easy advice" to have a magical and wonderful existence.  Life is, in my experience, sometimes really messy.  Poopy, even.  And while I don't WISH any crappity crap on you, I do know that the inevitable difficulties that arise in the course of a lifetime often leave us tougher, wiser, and more compassionate.  On the downside, they can also lead us into the temptation of bitter, meaner, and more crusty.  The next time you find yourself falling, I hope you'll fall into fabulous.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Ripples #759: Ripples for Madiba.

Ripples #759:  Ripples for Madiba.

For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
9 Dec 2013


For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains,
but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
-Nelson Mandela

As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.
-Nelson Mandela

Mr. Mandela was a man whose heart, soul and spirit could not be contained or restrained by racial and economic injustices, metal bars or the burden of hate and revenge.
-Muhammad Ali

He transcended race and class in his personal actions, through his warmth and through his willingness to listen and to empathize with others. He taught us that to respect those with whom we are politically or socially or culturally at odds is not a sign of weakness, but a mark of self-respect.
-Desmond Tutu

Nelson Mandela chose to leave behind 27 years of bitterness when he regained his freedom after almost three decades of imprisonment; a choice that revealed remarkable courage and determination.  South Africa was transformed because of his leadership and because he inspired others to collaborate instead of compete with their adversaries.  People around the world revere this Nobel Peace Prize winner, and I'm confident he will endure as one of the most respected political leaders of our time.  I think unfortunately there have been many missed opportunities to follow his remarkable example. Our reactions to social crises (terrorism, crime, poverty, political unrest, natural disasters, etc.) both at home and abroad might all improve significantly if we more stridently commit to the difficult work of focusing on our shared humanity.

I believe Nelson Mandela would be much less interested in our veneration of him and much more interested in our renewed commitment to magnify our empathy, compassion and the persistent pursuit of peace in both our personal and public lives.  I challenge us all to seek concrete ways to honor his passing, whether that be making peace with someone nearby (colleague, neighbor, etc.), working harder to understand the perspective of those who disagree with you, or renewing your determination to accomplish something for the greater good.

Don't just mourn Nelson Mandela;
decide to honor him with change.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Ripples #758: Sacred Idleness.

Ripples #758: Sacred Idleness.
For our tribe of busy people who believe in
unleashing Ripples of compassion & kindness: uRock!
2 Dec 2013

Work is not always required...
there is such a thing as sacred idleness,
the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.
–George MacDonald

In the attitude of silence
the soul finds the path
in a clearer light,
and what is elusive and deceptive
resolves itself into crystal clearness.
Our life is a long and
arduous quest after Truth.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Now that the winter holidays are fully activated, this becomes for many a time of joy AND joyous insanity:  end of the semester exams for some, end of year work stuff for others, and the traveling and packing and parties and ooh just lots of STUFF to get done.

I hope you can create some precious moments to pause, catch your breath, and just rest a bit amidst all the madness.

P.S.  Many of you know I slow down for a few weeks of rest and restoration at the end of the year.  I have queued up Ripples to send out during the next few Mondays, and I promise to return soon with a renewed spirit.